I was just reading my old DJ and came across my first (also most memorable) LD.
This LD involved me spawning into a restaurant (am amazing restaurant) and walking around a small town in the mountains.

Anyway I got to thinking:
What would it be like to revisit that small town with all my new acquired lucid abilities?

I'd be able to taste the restaurants cuisine (massive burgers ), go have a few martinis at the bar, then go have a chat with a guy that was looking at me funny (in the original ).
So many possibilities.

So I've decided to try it. Anyone wanna join me in revisiting one of your past (not necessarily first) amazing LDs?

If so then keep reading
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What exactly will we be doing?

Heres the plan:
  1. Find a way to get to one of your most memorable lucid dreams. (this could be flying to it, teleporting, WILDing into it, etc...)
  2. Start the LD as you did the first time you had it (if you saw some girl buying ice creme in the LD and walked up to her then do it again {only this time ask her how she's been, or other questions you thought of after you awoke)
  3. try to stay as true to the old LD as you can (this includes expecting everything to look the same)
  4. Whenever you get bored of doing what you already did, go on a killing spree or something crazy like that.
  5. Wake up and tell us about it.
I'll do the same.

(PS. be sure to tell us all about your failures as well )