Well, I now have 4 LD's. All Dilds.

I remember doing a nose RC, i have had trouble doing it before in a dream, so i did it hard i guess? And it worked! But this time, it was cool because i didnt immediatly wake up like my first. I was moderately chill about it. But i had some problems.

First my eyes were closed. And i couldnt hold them open while lucid for more the nlike 3 seconds. After the nose RC worked i was like, okay now its all dark. And i push my eyes open and they feel like sun was shining in them. I saw the dreamscape for the first time and it was marvelous. I believe i opened my eyes in my dream world and in RL because it hurt.

Now when i lost lucidity my dream would continue. I would wake up, and then be like wow. And go back to bed. And obtain lucidity. I pushed my eyes open and i was like "Yes im lucid, NOW im gonna fly!". First try - Failed. I was like WTF why isnt this working i CAN fly and i did.

I play flying games alot. Like with planes. And the first thing i did was a massive barrel roll and i was STUNNED by the feeling i got in my gut. Like a rollercoasters!

All in all this LD kinda sucked. When i was lucid my eyes felt like they have been open for 10 min. And hwile i wasnt, i noticed how clear the dream looked. Yeah i guess it was half lucidity i guess. Ever have this problem? Help.