I have had numerous dreams that were so real that I thought I was lucid dreaming, I mean I could feel, smell, taste, everything was just so real. However I could never control my dreams, it was more like I was watching a movie that already had a script, and I was watching it through my eyes as if I were the main character. The dreams that I was always able to remember the best were the ones that involved a lady, she has been in quite a few of my dreams. Always the same facial features, body type, sound of her voice, eyes, the only thing that always changes is her hair style and color.

In all my past dreams with her its always been in a public place, and we were never alone. But in all my dreams I knew that she was my lady. In one dream she is nursing my hand, apparently I had broken it, in the dream I remember saying that he deserved it. In another dream that I had after that one, I was in a bar, she walks in with alot of her friends and we both see each other, but her friends like drag her away from my direction. I remember getting mad that her friends didnt like me, and getting up and walking behind her, noticing a really cool tattoo on her back. I grabbed her by the arm, turned her around and asked her "are you my girl or not", she said yes, and we both started walking out of the bar.

A male friend of hers, maybe an ex, came up starting stuff with her in front of me, it escalated and he raised his hand like he was going to hit her. Thats when I tackled him to the ground and began to pound on him. I remember actually watching his face go from normal to bloody, and I could almost feel my hand hitting his face. I got pulled off of him, and was told that it wasnt fair since I was a MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter and he wasnt. That was the end of that dream.

Ive had many other dreams that had her in it, but like I said they were more like a scripted movie than a controlled dream. Up until Saturday I hadnt had a dream with her in it for about 6 weeks. Instead I had alot of other various dreams that seemed realistic, some were pretty cool, some were just weird.

Saturday night I had a dream and I was in a room alone with her, I remember the dream in great detail, I recorded it in a journal, but in the beginning of the dream its like Im just standing there in front of her. I look at her and its like in my dream I say or think "hey, its her, where the hell am I", I start looking around and the room we were in I have never seen before but it was like a bedroom. I saw a mirror on the wall, went up and looked into it and saw my reflection, have to say I looked pretty good, haha. But I did look alot different than I do now, I was alot more toned and had like no fat on my body, I had all the tattoos I have right now, and then some more.

She said something that got my attention and I turned around and started talking to her. At this point my dream wasnt like the others, in the sense that it was like a movie or something. It was like real life, I was able to think on my own, talk on my own, act on my own, etc. It was exactly like I was controlling it. I could ask her a question and she would answer it, I could touch her, and she would react to it. I mean it was just so freakin awesome. Im not going to go into a whole lot of detail, you know, but anything I wanted to do, I was able to. And she wasnt like a lifeless doll, she was real, and it was like she acted on her own too.

Now with what I just described, would you guys say that up until Saturday nights dream, I had never had a lucid dream? I've been reading up alot on lucid dreams, recalling them, how to have them, etc. And one thing that is always mentioned is to have a sign, one were you know for a fact that you are dreaming. Alot of places give exercises to do throughout the day, still have never done them, will now though, if it means I can have more lucid dreams. But it was like the dream was almost going to start out like a movie, until I saw her. Once I saw her, I knew I was dreaming, and yet it was still so lifelike and detailed.

I know this was a real long post, but I wanted to describe the dreams I have had with her in it, then describe the possible lucid dream. I am wondering if the dream I had on Saturday with her in it, would be considered a lucid dream. If that is what a lucid dream is, then that will have to be the first one I have ever had that I can remember. I mean I have never been able to control my dreams, ever.

Also, is there really a way to have a lucid dream, one that you want? Like if I wanted to have another lucid dream with her in it, so that I can spend more time talking to her, getting alot of detail on her, and get more visualization on her, because I know how to draw anime/manga figures and I would like to be able to remember in detail what she looks like, so I can draw her, and write down the information that goes with her. Kind of like a profile of my dream girl.