Alright so after having my first lucid after joining this forum, I've had a few weird occurances in my dreams.

Firstly, a dream I had a few nights ago where I was not very lucid... I dreamt that my brother stole and crashed a car. And then the next day (still in my dream), I dreamt I was talking to my dad & brother about it (saying I thought it was a dream) and they seemed to know what I was talking about. So I thought to myself, "is it possible for 3 people to have the same dream?" Then my dad said, no, it wasn't a dream. Then he started philosophizing about dreams and dreaming.

Yesterday, I had MY SECOND LUCID!! WOOO! Again, this was during a daytime nap. This is the first nap I've taken since my last lucid-nap. I think these are what really work for me. It was another DILD. Unfortunately, I didn't like my dream situation so I shouted WAKE UP WAKE UP in my head... but I had a false awakening!! My dream scenario changed but I was so convinced I was awake that I didn't want to do anything stupid (like punch someone I didn't like) or anything cool (like jump out of a building and fly). DAMN those false awakenings! They ruined my lucid experience!

Now yesterday NIGHT, I had a dream in which I was a bit lucid at certain points in the dream. Now at one point, I dreamt I was helping escort some king/queen w/e through the forest. I was walking ahead of the carriage with someone else (we were carrying guns, but the bandits were using bows and arrows.. go figure). And then I experienced a bit of dejavu (while in my dream) and I demanded that the other gaurd and I position ourselves in a certain way that would give us the best advantage. Now the strange thing is, the rationale I used was, "BECAUSE THIS WAS HOW IT WAS IN ANOTHER DREAM!" My poor dream-buddy... wonder what he must have thought. Hahaha.

Anyways, this feels like the key to being able to recreate dreams. It was a small step, but hopefully I can expand from this!