Hello, I am new to these forums, but became heavily interested in mastering the LD technique. I had this sick LD that was very long, but it was extremely vivid and I still remember it (1-2 years ago lol).

Anyway I was in this halloween setting, very dark, people/kids with weird costumes and masks etc. I was among many kids who were going into these woods. There were several monsters in there, but among them was this very large pumpkin dude. As he approached me and was about to explode, I told myself that if I shook my head in the dream i'd wake up. I did this and woke up (I didn't want to be blown up of course ). Anyway, I actually went to the bathroom (in real life) and said to myself "I must get back into that dream being able to cast magic and be powerful etc". Somehow, I managed to get back into the exact same dream. When the monster approached I felt reassured and attempted to cast anything at it. I couldn't, panicked, and shook my head to wake up. At this point I experienced a false awakening. I dreamt that I woke up, but there were subtle differences. I finally woke up for real lol.

By far, that was the sickest LD I have ever had. I've always felt naturally inclined to be able to LD (sorry lol). But i'm going to attempt to do this tonight. I read through some techniques, which I will implement into my lifestyle. I think that manipulating your dream is one of the sweetest things to be able to do. Cheers.