So, I was in Las Vegas this weekend, sharing a room with a bunch of snoring guys. I was crammed in a queen sized bed with my stinky old room mate, who likes to sleep naked.

I was half drunk, not sleeping well, and trying my best to stay on my side of the bed (which means half hanging off the bed). I was trying to fall back asleep halfway through the night, when I started to get some on and off sleep paralysis. I tried to roll over, and I ROLLED RIGHT OUT OF MY BODY! I stood up, had a brief disorienting lucid experience standing over my body in the middle of a room full of passed out drunk dudes, and then woke up.

It only lasted a couple seconds, and was not very vivid, but it was an unexpected treat. I have never had much success with the 'rolling' technique, but now I'm thinking maybe I should give it a second chance.