. I had my second ld early this morning and i suppose i am just happy to know that i can have them. Even though i have absolutely no control over them and the two i have had so far have lasted seconds. This evening my friendly neighbours decided to keep me awake with some door slamming and raised voices so i had trouble getting sleep. anyways, i kept being awaken through the night and rather tentatively nodded back off each time.

At about 0500 i recall being outside, it was dark and i was walking up my garden path,i knew that i was still in bed yet i was outside so i looked at my hands and said, i must be dreaming, am i dreaming?? yes i am!!(no real excitement this time, i think i was FAR TOO TIRED even in my dream)
there was about five seconds of consciousness, and i felt really relaxed, i tried to change myself physically(shapeshift) to test my reality, it did not work so i think this is where i started losing it as i began to doubt whether i was dreaming or not.. I was really mentally tired, i had a long day coupled with the lack of sleep due to noise and i think maybe this somehow made me become lucid, if only for an instant.

Also, not long after i awoke from this ld(if it can be called that, i am gutted it was not stronger or longer) i recall running down my hallway toward my nemesis neighbour really angrilly and grabbing him, and attempted to throw him down the stairs, this person looked like my mother who is quite slight, but i recognised her as the other person who is heavy, and i could not throw him/her down the stairs. i think this may have been a really vivid dream and not lucidity so i do not count this as one but i thought i would get it out of my system as it was related to my ld.

Maybe if my neighbours keep me awake again i should sort of go with the interrupted sleep and use it as an aid to get lucid, does anyone have any suggestions on how i could work it, i have read posts where people keep themselves awake for as long as possible so that they become REALLY tired so i assume this is in the same bracket as what i experienced.

Also, could i be experiencing some form of sleep apnea(spelling correct??) as i feel like i wake up lots through the night on a regular basis? any thoughts will b greatly recieved!!

Anyhow, ld=2 now, although i have not tried any technics to attain them, and when i have tried techs. i have not had any LDS. my advice to myself is, be a quitter, stop trying so hard and just let it happen.(this may not be good if i want to have regular lds i suppose). ciao for now peeps