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    Thread: Second Lucid!!

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    1. #1
      Cogito, Ergo Sunt WhiteVeins's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2007

      Second Lucid!!

      Hey everyone. I've been away for a while because I was taking a break so as to get better sleep. After a month of not trying, I had a DILD out of nowhere. Here's what happened:

      I was at work and no one could understand the things I was talking about even though they made perfect sense. All the colors were muted, darker. I went to the elevator after a while and there was a co-worker of mine there. I said, "Things don't seem right here. I think I've entered into two different realities." I explained about the muted colors and he looked at me like I was crazy. I said "I don't mean I'm in 2 realities now; I switch between them." Then, not b/c I really believed it, but cause I was fucking with him, I said "I think this is the fake reality." He looked at me and started to glitch out of existence. I looked at my hand to reality check and I realized it was a dream! My hand tingled and I started to float, but I got so excited I woke up.

      Oh well, a nice surprise after such a long break!
      WILD: 3
      DILD: 6
      Thanks to YAD

    2. #2
      is cool sam_wise's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2007
      Congrats =]
      DILDs are the best for me if I can control the excitement. It makes you feel pretty happy and fullfiled
      *Does RC...* W00t, I'm lucid

      My DJ =]
      Total LDs (since joining DV) = 0
      DILDs=0 WILDs=0 FILDs=0 MILDs=0 WBTBs=0 CATs=0
      OILDs=0 VILDs=0 CDFILDs=0 [Started 11th-Nov-2k7]

    3. #3
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Clairity's Avatar
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      WhiteVeins, congratulations on your DILD.. what a nice surprise!

      May your next LD come SOONER than later!

    4. #4
      Cogito, Ergo Sunt WhiteVeins's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      Thanks guys! Hopefully sooner
      WILD: 3
      DILD: 6
      Thanks to YAD

    5. #5
      River inbetween worlds Achievements:
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      adraw's Avatar
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      It will come. I have one approach. Which might help you. Do some relaxation before you go to bed. Or try achieving SP. You wont be successfull probably, becouse your mind will be awake. After fighting with yourself for some time. You may switch to more convenient position, where you will fall asleep. This makes your brain more awake and concentrated on dreaming and awakening.

      Before that. Set your alarm clock to awake you at night. Just as if you would like to do WBTB. And then... Try again at night. Write everything down. Everything. Even stay out of bed. Your body will get tired, so try SP stuff again. If you dont get successfull. No problem. Set alarm clock at maybe 2 hours later. Remember the time.

      And now to the core. The brain tends to create more vivid imagination as the alarm clock horizont approaches. It may become as vivid that you actually realize, that this is lucid dream. You will awake 5 minutes before the alarm clock fires.

      And you may try more cycles of alarm setting, little discomfort while getting asleep, finding comfortable position, falling asleep, and having vivid dreams. {even lucid ones}.

      This helped me to achieve two lucids in a row and i remembered five dreams at all. Which is cool. This will also drastically increase dream recall. But will make you tired, so do it also in cycles. And get yourself enough sleep.

    6. #6
      Cogito, Ergo Sunt WhiteVeins's Avatar
      Join Date
      Sep 2007
      Thanks adraw. The getting tired thing became a problem, that's why I've taken such a long break. But I'll keep this in mind for when life calms down a bit!
      WILD: 3
      DILD: 6
      Thanks to YAD

    7. #7
      River inbetween worlds Achievements:
      1 year registered Veteran First Class 5000 Hall Points
      adraw's Avatar
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      Slovak Republic
      To be honest. It doesnt work everytime. It seems like as if it needs lots of sleep before attempt. I tried it during the weekend, and i couldnt remember any fragments of a dream, even when waking up multiple times. Seems that I need to sleep 8 hours and then start the experimentation. But I cannot tell you for sure, becouse the experimentation continues. But ill let you know later.


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