Quote Originally Posted by seeker28 View Post
I, too have been contemplating the nature of the dream world and DCs. Hopefully, after a few more years of religiously keeping a DJ, I will feel like I have a better understanding. So far, I am starting to notice a trend (which would be interesting if it continues) that seems to place DCs into four distinct categories:

1. Constructs made by my mind to play specific and limited roles. These DCs seem shallow, and have a very limited range of responses and actions. I generally have a great deal of control over them. I can change how they look and act. I can banish them. However, sometimes I can't do much to them at all. I figure that is my mind being stubborn.

2. Representations of my subconscious mind. They are lively and dynamic. They tend to be either hostile or very helpful. If hostile and I ask what I may do to fix the problem, they always tell me something like I have been too critical of myself or too self-doubting.

3. People I who I think might be other dreamers. They generally are totally uninterested in me and may even treat me like a DC. They appear to be persuing dream adventures and dream plotts of their own.

4. The weird ones. I am begining to wonder if they might be real, in some sense. They are the most complex of DCs. They don't have that "flat" feeling I associate with constructs; the familiarity of my subconscious selves; or the warm, fleshy sensation I associate with the "other dreamers." They get really angry when I go around creating havoc and destruction. Last night, in fact, when I did the advanced task of the month and made it winter, one DC confronted me about the damage unexpected winter had caused. I told him it was just a dream. He said, "Well, I have to live here." I've had DCs do stuff like that before, but there was something about him that felt quite off.

Okay, and this is something that freaks me out a little: in some dreams I go places that later turn out to be real. And they are places I could have never been in waking life, or ever seen pictures of, or even heard about. Anyone else experience this?
All of the above. Actually I have a list that I have from a past post below.

These are 5 types that I will usually see:

Dreamers. These are people dreaming and are not lucid. You usually see them reenacting typical things like working or watching TV. They are hard to get the attention of and do not disappear when you remove your attention.

Replicants. These are imaginary characters (and things) created by you and will disappear the second you remove your attention. They can fool you easily as they know how to fool you being connected to you. They have an existence all their own and can not be uncreated but once you remove your attention they are on their own.

Between Lifers. These are people between lives who for whatever reasons inhabit areas where dreamers hang out. They are like dreamers but are not so difficult and are easy to get the attention of. They are almost always goal oriented and on a mission of some sorts.

Recent Dead. These people usually are still holding on to their past life in many ways. They may seem sick, or trying to do something but never having it work, or seem lost or to have amnesia. You can get their attention pretty easily but are usually hostile or uncooperative.

Spirit. This type was usually never human and a little distant emotionally. They are usually summing up the human experience and/or seemingly deciding if they want to become human. They are ADHD-like types but are not hostile and seem just a little distracted. They seem pretty rare and usually don't make much of an impression unless they have decided they should be helping you like a dream guide.

Most of these seem to inhabit the dream world sometimes acting out whole lives there.

Last night, as posted in my DJ, I was being an a-hole and a DC threatened to kick me out of the area I was in at the time. At this point in my development such DCs are little more than entertaining, there is absolutely no way they can harm me. Still I try to be respectful of all beings.

Dream Telepathy
Also I think dream telepathy is the cause of a lot of problems with people and their DCs. If you say something nice to a DC but are thinking 'your a tool of my subconscious' they are going to be angry at you, they're not going to like you. Basically you're saying "Hey tool, help me" and they react just like if you went shopping tomorrow and did the same thing to some stranger, hostile. In everyday life our thoughts are kept so separated from our verbalization's that it can be hard to synchronize them. I'm going to have to write a tutorial on this but for now just think the nicest thoughts you can towards them AND say nice things to them to get good results.