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    1. #1
      Impulsive Flyer Achievements:
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      Physical movements while dreaming (lucid); would like to hear of similar experiences

      I posted this in my dream journal too, but I'm just too curious and I want some feedback. Last night something interesting happened to me, and I didn't find much on search. Anyways, like the title suggests I believe I was physically moving during a dream (which will be described in detail later) but also it felt like I wasn't even dreaming. It was like the ultimate hallucination. So... I guess I want some info about that too!

      So, I had my first successful WILD, but I woke up only a few moments later and I could not see during that short lived dream. When I woke up for real I decided to continue sleeping and hope for a lucid dream. Naturally I was excited after having my first WILD (though I did it in a weird way snapping in and out of consciousness so I'm not sure if it is totally valid) and so I had trouble going to sleep and instead I started getting short five-ten second "dream" fragments which I think was HI. I did this for over three hours, so I'd really like to know what that was about. It felt like twenty minutes tops. The really weird part came in what I'll actually consider a dream.

      I was under the Eiffel tower in Paris when it dawned on me that I didn't even remember coming to Paris and became lucid. I decided to fly. After a few tries I made it up into the air. To make a long story short as I was flying around I was laying flat on my stomach in respect to the ground in the same way I was sleeping. I leaned my body to turn, when I felt as though I was leaning against a real soft surface which could only be explained as my bed. I leaned the other way and I was met with some resistance so I assume I was facing at a 20 or so degree angle with my head to the right. Soon my senses in the dream vanished except for sight. I felt the bed and the blanket and everything but I was still flying around in my mind vividly. The conscious mind can't imagine something that vivid. By turning my physical body I was still controlling the dream and then I truly woke up about five seconds later. I woke up exhausted, as if the last four hours I hadn't slept at all which only adds to the previous question.

      Sorry about this if it has already been posted a lot, but I'd really like to hear some similar experiences. Or at least an explanation as to why something like this would happen... Also, do you think these "physical" movements were made up by my mind since I may have subconsciously expected them? Thanks everyone, I await your replies.
      Last edited by Yosemine; 01-14-2008 at 04:18 AM.

    2. #2
      TPV ThePhobiaViewed's Avatar
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      Somewhere Out There
      Interesting, in my last couple lucid dreams I kept getting the idea that I was moving my physical body too and was afraid that my family would see me. When I woke up though it was obvious that I wasn't really moving my physical body.


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