I have wrote some threads about how i think i have had a lucid dream, but maybe its sleep paralysis or WILD, but i think i have managed a proper lucid dream and i can tell the difference between this and what i have previously experienced.

It was very short, i found myself in a room with my husband and his friend there. It then popped into my head, this is a dream, i can do what i want here. So i spoke to my husband and friend briefly, i cant remember what about, but i remember then my husband complaining about something, so i thought, you don't have to be here and i got rid of him, he just vanished when i made him vanish. I then started putting random things into the room, i dont know why i chose the things i did, maybe i didnt have that much control or maybe they meant something?? I placed a bath in the room along with a really old wooden chair, the room was also painted pink. My friend just sat on the chair and never said a thing, like he was my puppet that i wasn't controlling. It was a bit boring in that i didn't do anything that exciting, but i felt i had to really concentrate on keeping myself lucid. It then disappeared and i think i went into a normal every night dream.

When i woke in the morning though, the lucid dream was so clear in my head, unlike other dreams where i have to lay in bed and think about them for a few minutesd before they escape me.

I feel reading up on the threads on this forum helped me achieve this. But one other thing different that night was that i was very ill with tonsillitis and i had been taking antibiotics, painkiller and medicine.. i wonder if this concoction helped???