This morning I had the oddest dream that seems more like a story, so I'll get right to it.

My dream started out as my mother, sister and her friends were going on a little down river boating trip, I was invited of course but I'm very afraid of water(well at least water more then 10 feet deep) so it's decided everyone would meet at our place, when everyone gets there they come in for a bit one of my sister's friends suddenly realizes they need to do homework or something and I guess and an instructor or at least someone I didn't know at all who seemed to know what about boating sown river.

So after everyone does whatever for a couple minutes they get in the vehicle and leave the instructor stays a little longer and is about to leave when a black hole opens in the wall a hand the comes out grabs her dragging her into this hole it then shuts as if nothing had been there. I of course am just standing there freaked out as to what just happened I then rush to my sister's friend who is in another room working and tell her and she just brushes it off as a story, so I fiddle around a bit not knowing what to do then the friend's brother shows up and I go to my room and play with the computer when suddenly I hear a scream and I see the friend standing in the hallway shocked because the same thing just swallowed up her brother it was a different spot so this thing had moved so i decide not to go leaning against walls and hang out in the middle of the room(though thinking on it now I think it would have made more sense to go outside)

after a couple hours my mom comes back early, something about the instructor not showing up, I tell what happened to the instructor and she doesn't seem surprised the suddenly where in front of some sort of library/police station/DMV/Hotel Lobby it had all those qualities( by the way before we got to this building I shifted over to some strange mini game where you where suppose to shoot certain people and advance a square till you reached you destination,weird.)so we took an elevator to the library section and we went to and area that was up against the wall and stood an a bookshelf my mom the told me about when she was a kid her and her sisters were playing around and it turns out she had a brother so he comes along and starts saying that my mom all special and she can cast magic or something I'm a little more hazy on this part(given the scenario that seemed appropriate a brother would make a joke) any way she said she dragged her pinkie finger across some line of text then a black hole opened and a hand grabbed her brother and pulled him in, as she was telling me this she also demonstrated to me what she had done after that I just went hmm and jumped down but when I looked back to where I had a hole opened and a hand had tried to grab me but i wasn't close enough anymore for it to grab.\

So after the we got back on an elevator where we heard that a boy had been sucked into a clack hole while on an elevator, which put me at an unease, once we got out side we saw a couple of flying police motorcycles land one turned into in line skates the other a peddle bike, so we got back and this is where i became aware of the whole thing being a dream it was decided that we should look to see if the guy who lived above us was alright, there was no answer and then I abruptly ended the dream and decided to write this.

so any thoughts or comments? I'm quite confused as to any meaning it may hold myself.