I think this question is mostly aimed to the more experienced lucid dreamers (the ones who can WILD easily), but anyone can answer if they want, or if anyone knows what I'm talking about.

I've only been WILDing for the last 6 months; about twice a week, more if I have the time to (I'm proud to say that I can almost WILD at will). The thing is, is that my WILDs are pretty different form my DILDs or DEILDs, almost boring . When I DILD, there are several DCs around, and usually a "story" behind my dream, but when I WILD, I get up from my couch (roll out of my body), walk toward my front door, and open it. No one is around. I have to create or summon people into my dream. If I didn't do that, I would be alone.

I can get a lot done when I'm by myself. I usually get the "tasks of the month" done, but sometimes, I like having people around in my dreams. It probably comes from a lack of adult interaction during the day (I have four children, and really no real friends. We just moved to this new town).

So, my WILDs are really different than my DILDs.

Does anyone else have this happen?

My WILDs are pretty intense. Like I said, I get up from my couch (that's where I do the WILD method. It's easier there than in bed with my husband. I use Clairity's WILD/WBTB technique), and it feels like I am totally awake, but I know I'm not. No one is ever around, UNLESS I summon them. Whereas, if I DILD or DEILD, there are always people around and a some sort of "story" going on (usually me being afraid of being attacked by some sort of creature). Does that make sense?

I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. It's a bit frustrating, and I'm about to just give up WILDing because it just strange to me. WILDs, for me, are very realistic, very lucid, and I have, almost, total control of eveything, but I have a hard time "creating" scenarios, unless I have a task set to do. And, even thougn I love the feeling of "getting up" from my couch and realizing I can do whatever I want, I would rather DILD, and have something "thrown" at me to do.