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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jul 2008

      2nd Lucid Experience - False Astral Projection - Perceived Real Consequences

      This morning I tried WBTB combined with MILD and a bit of autosuggestion. And boy did it work! I must add it worked in such a strange way. During this lucid dream, I was convinced that my physical body was asleep in a chair at the computer and that I had accomplished astral projection. In reality, my physical body was in bed and the entire experience was a dream. Let me explain.

      When I woke up this morning I was watching this youtube video about the astral plane and astral projection and I was thinking how weird all that sounded and about how weird it would be if I could do it. So I went to sleep with that in mind.

      I figured if I went to sleep with a goal of what I wanted to do while lucid, I would be able to stay lucid for a longer period of time. So in my head I repeated, "When I begin to dream, I will realize I am dreaming. Then I will go to work, and get so and so, and I will grab her hand, let her know that it is okay and that she is safe with me, and we will fly together." This girl and I are not together although I once tried to get with her. We are still friends and all. I was very uninterested in having a sexual lucid dream, instead, I wanted to be like Alladin when he took Jasmine on the magic carpet ride.

      With these thoughts I fell asleep.

      Now, I don't know if I had any dreams before my false awakening. But I was 100 percent convinced that I had awakened and had failed at becoming lucid. It was very discouraging. I came back to the computer unaware that I was still dreaming. Anyway, I began to feel very tired as my dream body sat at my computer. So I relaxed and the astral body of my dream body fell out of my dream body and I was free. This is a very strange way to attain lucidity because I was convinced the entire time that it was astral projection and I wasn't sure if the same rules applied as in a lucid dream.

      So I thought I was walking around in the astral body of me in a computer chair when it was really the dream body of me in my bed. I don't know if that would be complete lucidity. With the knowledge I have now, I wonder if had I turned around and looked at the bed if I would have seen myself sleeping there and realized, "This was a false awakening and this is all a dream. I didn't do a WILD, this is a DILD". But I didn't even think of looking back at my bed. I was interested in the possibilities of astral projection.

      I decided to go to work to look for the beautiful woman with whom I wanted so badly to fly freely with. I tried teleportation and failed. I figured that the astral body cannot teleport and I must be dreaming to do that. So I ran to my window and jumped through it and I began to fly high above the city. This time the city looked much more realistic than the first time I was flying over it, AND I had a destination. Last time I was flying from work, and this time I was flying to work.

      I am still convinced that this is astral projection and I think that is the reason why everything felt so realistic. I could feel the wind blowing past my body and through my afro as I flew. I was convinced that this was the real world, but instead of my usual physical body experiencing it, it was my astral body, so I was a bit worried about the consequences i could cause. I was also not even sure if I would be able to talk to anyone. "Can real people in waking consciousness talk to astrally projected people? Will they even be aware of me?"

      Seemingly unfortunately to me at the time, I lost my ability to fly. I did not know that there were better plans for me and I was not meant to sweep some girl off her feet in flight in some Alladin fantasy.

      The place I landed at does not exist in real life, rather it was a combination of many places in the city I live, yet I still thought my astral body was exploring the real world.

      I saw my friend. And he saw ME. I began telling him how this was my astral body and not my physical body. He didn't believe me until I stuck all five of my fingers through a wall. Then he said, "that's cool", and left.

      Eventually, I came across a school bus. I went inside and my whole AP calculus class from Senior year was there, save the teacher. I began talking with everyone. Flirting with the chicks there. Showing everyone my ability to put my fingers through the walls of the bus. I have no idea why I didn't realize that this was a dream. I was still convinced that this was real life and that I had to be careful or I could do some real harm.

      When I decided to leave the bus, I couldn't fly through, so I decided for some reason to open the emergency hatch at the ceiling and fly up. I did so easily but once I got outside I lost my ability to fly again. All of a sudden there was panic everywhere and an alarm going off.

      There were students running around like ants whose queen has just been killed. One student approached me yelling, "Now you've done it Keith. You are NOT supposed to open the bus emergency hatch. You better get the fuck out of here."

      I was scared now too but I still couldn't fly. I wanted to get out before the bad people (police authorities, the government) discovered that an astral body had caused all this trouble. I didn't want the bastards to use it to their benefit. I pictured them using astral projection to have entire astral armies killing all the Arab nations, and all the Asian nations, and any other nation that they deemed to be a threat. I pictured them paving a path of destruction until our nation was absolutely supreme. I was horrified. I didn't want anyone to die as a result of this phenomena. So I ran quickly.

      Finally, I started waking up until I realized this was all actually a dream and not astral projection. I felt my pillow under my head and happily opened my eyes. Then I came here.
      Last edited by Pacifist; 08-01-2008 at 05:59 PM.

    2. #2
      the oneironautilus Achievements:
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      Cool dream! I had a dream once where I "astral projected" (though I don't think I've had a real OBE before). Around that time I was reading "Journeys out of the Body" by Robert Monroe (which is a really great book by the way).

      Spoiler for The dream --> :
      "When you see the shadows falling,
      When you hear that cold wind calling,
      Hold on tight to your dream."

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      That's cool. It would be cool to actually journey into the astral plane, but kind of scary at the same time.

      I'm both mystified and fascinated by astral travel. Part of me wants to just leave it be and another part of me wants to explore it.


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