My most recent recorded Lucid Dream can be found here, it's quite long.

Then, I had this one on February 8th it was my first WILD
I was lying in bed, basically with the intention of WILDing... and I fell into the all familiar sleep state without losing consciousness. At this point it felt like someone grabbed my feet and pulled me really hard. I landed on the ground, on my stomach and watched as I was being dragged through my apartment. I was dragged all the way to the far corner of my living room.

It looked pretty much like my apartment except the couch was different. Then while I'm in the corner of the living room, something started to obstruct my vision. It appeared as if some type of web or cocoon was being spun around me, then it started looking like something similar to honeycombs. I decided to just sit back and see what happened next.

Suddenly the honeycomb melts away and I'm under water looking at a sea full of beautiful fish. Really breath taking shit. I just observed for awhile and then my cat made a noise and I was back in the waking world. For the last few years I've had incredibly good luck with falling asleep without losing consciousness, it's quite a feeling. Usually I try to OBE but this time I had intention of going the LD route. It was quite enjoyable, albeit short.

Another I had on May 11th
This was great, I laid down for a nap this afternoon. I fell asleep rather quickly and suddenly knew I was dreaming. It felt as if i then left my body and was floating up towards the ceiling. Although I couldn't see anything. Things were quite blurry and hazy. This lasted about 2 minutes and then all of a sudden I'm awake, or so it seems, sitting on a couch at my mom's house. Everything is crystal clear. I realize I am still dreaming and fully lucid. I see my reflection in a mirror across the room. Since I knew I was dreaming I walked towards my mom's living room window and jumped forward. I began to float through the window and up into the sky. Now I'm flying and the view is pretty awesome. This is probably the most vivid lucid flying dream I've ever had.

I always tend to float back down towards the ground when I fly in my dreams so this time I focus on getting some air. Now I'm up pretty high and I can see what looks like an entire city. I see a really pretty park below me and cars driving to and fro. Hills and mountains in the distance, it was truly magnificent and very details. Very "un dream" like. Finally I end up waking up, or so I thought and this is when I am no longer lucid. I believe I had really woken up and I'm back in my bed. My boyfriend had come home and "woke me up". We start to argue in my dream and it seems to be a bit stressful. Then I realize I actually had not woken up and was still dreaming. So once again I'm lucid. This lasts for a couple of minutes and I explore my surroundings. Then someone knocked on the door, for real, and I woke up for good.