It was a DILD, since I have horrible recall and didn't have a journal with me, I didn't write it down, but I remember it, when it happened, I remember it feeling real, but I didn't have any control, now it seems like it's just another dream, but I remember it feeling differently than any other dream.

So It was early this morning and only lasted, what seemed a minute, I think I might have been an "Illusion", it's hard to explain.

It starts with my Dad driving the car, and I'm with him, in the car, I did an RC, Finger through the palm, at this point, it doesn't work, so I was about to blow it off thinking it was real, then I noticed that I had 6 fingers, and said, this is a dream, but the thing was, I didn't really feel anything different, I just proceeded to doing stuff that I had decided I wanted to do during the LD before I went to bed, I didn't even get excited, I didn't need to tell myself to stay calm, it was like, even though I knew it was a dream, it seemed that nothing changed, I blew it off like any other dream, it felt like there was another "me" controlling this body I was watching (My dreams are always 3rd person), now this part may sound strange, but I knew it was something I wanted to try. Ok, well I've always had this fantasy of "Manipulating Swords", like taking a strait sword and making it wavy with my mind, and stretching it out and wrapping it around someone, then pulling it, cutting them up, even calling up swords from the ground. Literally like a "Ribbon-Sword". So I immediatly tried this, no luck, I felt aggravated, I remember instantly deciding to fly, somehow this "Other me" remembered flying being mentioned, I figured since I have pretty strong will power, that I could do it easily, No luck, I even tried "Superman" flying, still no luck. I had this confused feeling, then woke up. Unfortunetly it didn't feel like I woke up, it felt like I went black after the dream for an hour or two, then woke up and this is what I instantly remember.

To me, I had a LD, but I think it was like the Lowest Lucidity possible, cause it felt too much like it was simply a dream where I convinced myself to try something I wanted to do. I never felt like I was in control, or could do anything, maybe since it is my first LD and I have no Recall whatsoever that it's like this, I'll work on my recall, and hopefully it wont seem so "Foggy".

Any ideas, sorry if this post is so long, I'm a little confused on what happened, also forgive my "Vivid Imagination", I have a crazy imagination