Wow, well let me start off with a little bio here.

I'm 19, name's Doug, i goto JHU. I was really researching and looking into LDing about 4 or 5 months ago, and (being lazy and easily losing focus) i gave up after about a week (i was keeping a dream journal and such).

Well i was out partying last night until around 1AM when i came back to my dorm and fell asleep around 2. My roomate, for whatever reason, came in around 530AM. I woke up, and fell back asleep for another hour, then i couldn't sleep so i forced myself to get up and showered and work on my research proposal at the library. So i had 4 hours of sleep, a few cigs, and a cup of coffee all morning. I was at the library from around 8:30 to 11:30 AM.

Then i got back to my room, organized some things, put on some music (smashing pumpkins) and crashed on my bed and fell asleep in a few minutes (which is amazing because i've got chronic, unexplained insomnia, had it for years and years)

Anyway, this is when things get fun. My first dream wasn't an LD. I was dreaming i was at my friends house in a bed trying to go to sleep, i think i literally fell asleep and slipped into this dream where i was trying to go to sleep, so to me i was still awake - see what i'm saying? Like i transitioned to sleep without realizing it.

So i looked around this room and got confused (in my dream) because it wasn't my dorm and i just remember being really scared and confused for a few minutes, then i woke up. ANd i'm positive i actually woke up because i had some major sleep paralysis - i could barely move my arms and legs. So i went right on back to sleep, and had my first LD ever!

I vaguely remember the first one, i was in this really nice house, no one else was there and i was just kinda walking around and somehow i realized i was lucid dreaming (maybe because of the dream before, so i knew i was asleep). And i was like... okay... calm down, dont scare yourself out of this dream... (of course my first instinct was to try and fly but i kept myself from doing it) so i just explored the house a bit, when i tried to open the front door and go outside the dream was gone.

I thought i woke up in my dorm room, everything looked right, but i have a feeling i was still sleeping. I looked on the floor and there were these two little kittens, calico ones, my favorite. I realized then that i was LDing again, so i wondered if you could feel pain in a dream - you can. I went to the floor to pick one up and it clawed me and it hurt. Then the two kittens squeezed under the bed and into this crack in the wall. One of them changed blue spontaneously (i think i thought, this dream isn't real, i wonder if that cat could be blue?). So they squeezed into this apparently tiny tiny crack in the wall and somehow i followed and the next thing was like something like an acid trip.

I was in this little space where there were these fish just floating around. I wasnt under water but there were these fish floating around and i was talking to their leader about how they were guarding some fish or something and the different fish had different methods of attacking idk... it was a dream its sposed to be strange.

Then i crawled out of this little nook i was following this one really beautiful beta fish that wouldn't talk to me or come near me. And i was back inside that house from the first LD again. The fish floated out of reach, so i convinced myself that if the fish could do that and not be underwater, i should be able to as well. Well my brain compromised with me and met me half way, i could jump like you see astronauts do on the moon. It was like gravity was very minimal. And when i jumped up the ceiling was covered with these beautiful fish. So i continued jumping crazily through the house and decided to try and go outside again. I went to the door and there was no handle on the inside. So i was like... crap... my brain doesn't want me going outside because last time i did i woke up! But... then i went to the other door and there was a way out and so i walked outside.

I was in a city, philadelphia (around where i grew up) it looked kinda like. There was an old man standing in my path to the street, So i jumped over him! haha. Then i wanted to try flying - i kept jumping but kept coming down. Then i saw a dumpster and tried to jump/fly over it, but i couldn't seem to get enough height or stay in the air long enough. Then i tried to convince myself i was a bird, my nose got pointy, like a beak, but i still couldn't fly lol.

Then i transitioned to the Third LD. I was in a car in the same city as the dream before. No one else was in the car but i was in the passenger's seat for some reason. I remembered trying to figure out why when i saw cars start driving around the streets, nothing out of the ordinary. But based off of the last 2 LD's, i figured i was having another. I tried to like control the cars that were driving by saying like, "Fly!" and pointing my hands at them. It actually worked, except they went up and never came back down. Then three african-american men jumped in the car and started driving. I knew i was LDing (and i hope i don't offend anyone, i'm not racist by anymeans, i dont know why the three men were black but they were, which is relevant later), and the driver and i started talking. I stayed calm... this was the coolest LD experience out of ALL of them by far (and the last dream coming up had XXX Content ). I said to him, "I'm dreaming, you're just in my head." And he's like "Yeah, how do you know that?" "I just do, wow... i'm having a conversation with myself, you look really familiar..." And he started to look more and more like Samuel L Jackson, lol. I think i saw a movie with Samuel L Jackson, or a movie preview or something a few days ago. So we were talking for about 5 minutes about how he was really me and that i was having a conversation with myself and at one point he said, "I am you." Like he was my subconscious or something and we just talked until the car stopped and the dream ended. It was an experience.

The last dream i had, i dont remember if i woke up between or not, but i was back in that house from before, so i knew it was an LD. After jumping around a bit, because apparently in my dreams in that location gravity is minimal, i went outside and up the street where there were some girls running around in bathing suits, some of them naked. So i jumped over to see what was up. They threw their bathing suits on and everyone started running, the cops were coming or something i think, so i was running with this one chick and i wont go further into this dream, because it gets sexual, but right before things really heated up my roomate opened the door and woke me up, and i couldn't fall back asleep.

My total time asleep was about 1.5 hours.

I really hope this happens again! It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life and i just wish i could remember it better. But i know that the best way to remember a dream when you wake up is to not move from where you are, write it down, etc. So luckily my desk and bed are about 2 inches apart (Dorms... lol).

And i remembered this community, joined, and shared my experience.

Happy dreaming to all of you and hello!