Today I laid down to take a nap, I was sooo tired!

I dont know what happened, but I ended up in a dream and I can only remember brief details of my LD's..

I know for a fact I had SP and a FA because I was in a dream and I woke up laying down in my bed and I just knew I was dreaming, I tried to move but inside my dream but I couldn't.. I could feel my real body moving in waking life and tried to just lay there for a brief moment to let myself relax and stay in the dream.. well.. I woke up lol

I laid there in reality, and I ended up going back to sleep, and almost right away i was right back in a dream, and in my house again.. I remember walking down the stairs and plugging my nose to do an RC.. For some reason my subconcious mind kept debating if it was a dream. So I told myself that I was gonna go outside and try to fly.. I get outside, and strangely enough the weather in my dream was exactly like it was in waking life.. rainy..

So It made me doubt my reality more.. So I just decided to Run and jump in the air.. and I floated superman style for a bit until i landed back on the ground.. I saw my neighbors and for whatever reason doubt set in that I wasn't dreaming, instead it was waking life, and they just must think i was crazy.. I woke up soon after..

I woke up, and a min or two later fell back asleep and ended up in another dream.. This time i was standing in my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, and I had one eye.. Kind of like that chick from Futurama with the pink hair???? I dont watch the show, that is just who i can relate it to..

So I realized I was dreaming in that one, and didn't do crap, because i woke up right away hahaha...

those are my 3 LD's in 1 nap.. that makes 4 LD's in 3 days...and honestly people for those who think I am "GREAT" at this.. I am honestly not even trying... I just go to sleep, and dream..and If I have an LD, I have one... If I dont, i dont....

I wonder what would happen if I actually tried to have LD's like I use to back when i first started ......hmmmmmm.....