I engaged my efforts in the always-effective daytime nap today and guess what...3rd LD in 6 months to put an end to my drought! I was semi-lucid for a bit in the dream, talking to some DCs a few of whom happened to be acquaintances from high school. One of them had a job as Ronald McDonald dressing up in the costume etc. so lame, but funny. I enetered a point in the dream in which I was particularly fatigued, which drove me - at the same time listening to dialogue between DCs - to try to regain focus from delirium by focusing on my surroundings. I found a nearby holly tree to be of interest, and after actually trying to touch the leaves, realized I was LDing. Shizzam. So there I was, checking out some leaves. Well, the house I was near had some cool looking Italian-style tiles on its roof, so I climbed up the wall, doing the spiderman thing, and found myself on the roof. Clouds! Awesome. I jetted up through them, which was the most realistic point in the dream. The detail of the mist of the clouds was extreme. I stopped then sudenly, whereupon I found myself on a beach, a shore, of a golden ocean. HTe water was literally like flowing gold. More beautiful than words can offer. I tried to walk on this sea of golden wonder. But I fell in up to my knees. Interesting thing is that, considering that this was the point I realized I was dreaming, it was the only point in which sustaining hte dream became difficult. everything was cool until I TOLD myself it was a dream. Until then, I was aware that I possessed specific otherworldly characteristics and abilities, but I did not consider them in the context of DREAM, just capability. Weird I guess, but control failed me at that point, and I had a false awakening wher I was shooting some folks with a highpower water gun. It as cool, and visually stimulating, but not quite LD strength after that. Peace.