Ok so I was having this strange dream this morning...I was in school. The teacher was a college professor that I have recently had but all the students were from grade school (but as old as they would be now) and the school was (I think) my grade school. There was everyone there from gradeschool and I remember that there were these girls that were making fun of me, and the teacher was being really mean to me. Anyway, I can always hear my roommates alarm clock going off in the other room usually about 20 to 15 minutes before mine goes off and I'm guessing that this morning it is what caused me to go lucid. So there I was...in class, everything was clear as day. First thing I did was throw the teacher out of the window. Then I went around to all the girls that were being shitty to me and I beat the hell out of them! It was hilarious! I've never been in a real fight so understand that this was alot of fun for me. I punched some girls, other girls I grabbed their hair and bashed their heads on their desks! Then I told all the girls to get out. I walked to the front of the class and picked up a ruler and all the guys were just staring at me and I say...ok everyone drop your pants we are going to have a penis measuring contest to see who gets to spend some alone time with me in the supply closet. They were so excited! Haha...but then my lucid started to fade and everything went black and I woke up in my bedroom. I tried to go back to bed and got stuck in the vibrational state and couldn't get back into my lucid...I had a crappy FA and then my alarm went off. I'm so excited that my lucids haven't disappeared completely now that I can't nap during the day!!