These are the only two dreams I vividly remember, ever.

I was inside a very small blue toy space-ship, for some reason looking at it from the outside. The spaceship pulls into a dock floating into the air. The ship is very tiny, as I said before, and teleported me out of it onto the dock, making me normal size. A building stood before me, with the words "El Mexico" on the front. I entered the building and found my brother in a futuristic rocking chair with tail-lights on it. The room he was in was like an old cabin.

I said my hellos to him and then went into a different room. This room had no roof and was open to the stars. On the ground, there was a sand-pit with a dozen or more rattlesnakes. Beside me, as I entered the room, a girl tapped me on the shoulder and said "There are rattlesnakes in that pit." I then realized it was a dream. I started floating and I flew over the pit of snakes and hovered just beyond their reach. To my right, there was a door leading to another room, so I flew into it and crashed through it. There were teachers with scissors and paper doing tasks. Then, the teachers started to pick up mattresses, one for each hand, trying to sandwiche me with them.

I flew around and dodged them as best I could, but got trapped between two mattresses when I wasn't looking. It was now pitch black and I was trying to move, telling myself it was only a dream. Then I thought, "Wake up!" And I did.


I am Cloud, of Final Fantasy 7™ walking around in the temple of the ancients. If you remember, the temple of the ancients had a maze that defied logic and twisted and turned upside-downa and in every direction. Right when I entered the dream, I realized it was faux. I tried flying in my dream, like in the previous one, only it was weak. I kept hitting the stairs, doors, and things of the like. I start to tumble down another stair and don't stop. Once again, I tell myself to "Wake up!", and I do.