Well, last night, I tried to WILD for the sixth time. I woke up 7.30, and I intended to focus my mind and all that stuff. But as the previews nights, I couldnīt fall asleep so after some time, I gave up.

I had pretty normal dreams the (I think they were 2 of them), when the second finished, a computerlike window appeard and said: "Sleep cycle finished, initiating new cycle" and a little green bar that sowed the progress. And when the bar filled, I was in sleep paralisis and "hearing" how a mob was destroying my room.

At first I wasnīt lucid enough to figure so I paniced and when I realiced what it really was it was too late, I was already waking up.

I have some questions now: Is this common (I mean that your mind tells you, that you are going to have a SP)? Can it be induced so you can WILD with no effort? Has anyone had a similar experience?