• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Aeolar and Alyzarin

    15 Visitor Messages

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    1. Ah, Seattle is in Washington! I read what you said correctly, but processed it wrongly. >w< Don't judge, I'm high and hungover. X) Well I'm sure you'll have fun. Kids can do that somehow, you keep loving them even when they do nothing but torture you.

      The brownie was pretty amazing. Food in lucids usually tends to be, for me. Well that sounds like fun, DCs usually have something interesting to say in my experience. Either that, or just complete nonsense.

      Hahahaha, well at least you learned something. German's not really my thing, but I would've preferred Japanese over Chinese. Another school in our district had it. :T Ah, well. It was a fun class, I'll say that much lol.
    2. And you're lucky you got to take Chinese class in school... All I got was German which is cool and stuff but the class was a total pushover. The things I took from that class consists of saying fuck yea in German (Fick ja!) Memorizing every Sound of Music song completely along with every single quote, and that Germany eats a lot of Bratwurst. Also Volkswagen.
    3. Was the brownie delicious?! I hope it was :3

      Well, to recap my lucids: First one was kinda lame, I just flew into the sky... Ya know, normal dreamtime activities, but for the second one, I used a door as a teleporter and went from inside a school hall to outside in a city park! Then I talked to some DC's which is a first for me! My DC's are very neglected, you see, and I usually just focus on flying! Hehehehh I'm so selfish

      Are you sure that we're talking about the same place? I'm pretty sure Seattle is in Washington! But you can prove me wrong if you want
      I'm going to a little town called St. Germain with my uncle&aunt and their 9 kids xD It's super fun, yeah! Except for little kids. Little kids are the devil incarnate. I still love them though! I'm weird like that.
    4. Chinese calligraphy is pretty cool, I won't lie. I took Chinese as my foreign language class in high school (not that I learned very much of it lol), and we did a little bit of that... very fun.

      Awesome! I've only been there once, to Seattle to visit family a couple years ago. I enjoyed it. Strangely, we happened to be there for three out of the... oh, probably ten days a year that it was actually bright and sunny, so I can't help but feel that my view on it is somewhat skewed. I hope you have fun!

      Congrats! I'm hoping I can get back to that level again soon, I used to get lucid a lot. Did you get to do anything cool in them? :3 I got lucid last night, but all I really got to do was eat a brownie lol. Not that it wasn't fun.
    5. Nice, nice. I just signed up for an online calligraphy class; my newest obsession is Chinese calligraphy. It's so deep and awesome
      Tomorrow I'm going up to Wisconsin :3
      Also on a lucid streak: 2! Lucid every night since I started back up again. Awwwe Yeh! :3
    6. Hahahaha, niiice. I haven't been up to much myself, just taking summer school classes and trying to get back on track with having lucids. How about you?
    7. My memory is about as good as a squirrels! Haha, as I scrolled down I was saying to myself "Woah! I totally stalked you!" Then I got to the end and I wrote "I totally stalked your convo..."

      creepily awesome!

      Also: What have you been up to friend-but-not-quite-a-friend?
    8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH woah dude I totally stalked you!
    9. Rude. D: You're the one who stalked me first. *points to conversation history*

      And you're welcome.
    10. haha, ty! Although I have absolutely no idea who you are :3

      P.S. Who are you!
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