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      04-09-2024, 07:17 PM
      Night 2 Dream 1-4 I realize it is a dream at the beginning. I teleport to my ship.I start flying around and checking planet after planet. It was a...
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    Breaking bad

    by aesthetic on 11-20-2013 at 11:20 PM
    Im working at a facility identical to the one in breaking bad, pollos er manos. Im taking out a deliver to a truck and i see police detective so I tell everyone we have company. Then I ask if I can help them, they say no and break in through the back. I try to call the police and tell them they are breaking in but they wont let me..

    Military, zombies, snowboarding

    by aesthetic on 11-19-2013 at 09:58 PM
    Im snowboarding on what I believe is mount hood. I see cliffs and lines as we go up the lift. I Always want that impossible path noobody ever tested;I go for it and find out its a 300ft cliff and slide to the edge barely swingin by my fingers. I slip and fall through the ground onto what appears to be a giant ship. Someone eventually comes for me, we get out and sware to never speak of it until we know what it is. We come back during the summer and enter the ship looking for treasure but it's completely empty, in perfect shape I might add. We get out and find a chinese AA gun next to us shooting into the sky. We see zombies everywhere, we try to get help from them or warn but they dont answer in english.

    I wake up in a PT Hall for military training and assessment. Im in the middle of my pushups and cant seem to do the last one no matter how hard I try, even though I have all the energy in the world. Once the clock is over I resume pushups and do 10 more like it's easier then pie. Somehow they write down as passed for the heart. Then they ask me to help one of the Private's cause of his asthma.

    Disney Universe.

    by aesthetic on 11-18-2013 at 10:14 PM
    The largest disney world ever created in south america; we start at a like haunted house, shown everything by our guide which is very cute. it's hazy for a while so bear with me, we go the through tour and she doesn't know how to keep us in order. We get to a store and every goes missing and I help her. We go to a pistol training class for the youth and learn how to fire a gun safely, our families recieve one for free. We leave and I see the most amazing colors and building architecture. I hear songs come on the radio by tech n9ne and could recite everything in the song including the beat perfectly.

    Fun dream

    Zombie Holocost

    by aesthetic on 01-19-2013 at 04:54 PM
    Humans have advanced beyond comprehension, we enslave other humans and compete for survival like animals. We get loaded up into trains into pods tied with string barely hanging from the ride. almost like the yoyo at the country fair. When the train would move, we would be hurled in circles going in-perplexed speeds. My family
    /\ isn't on the ride they are traveling next to the ride. Stopping at the mall zombies break out as I get off, my parents make it out but im forced too climb up the ride
    / \to a safe spot.
    / \once I get to a spot the ride takes off and it starts swinging, the string killing anyone who touches it. We start swinging odd fashions and were forced too kill
    -you- eachother, I knock someone off the ride and I immediately jump off too finish him.

    Lucid Dream #2

    by aesthetic on 09-19-2012 at 03:55 PM
    I am in what seems like a dead town, with 1 building. it's an enourmous Bank, I go inside turn immediately to my left and find an asian trying to drink out of the fountain, its like 2 inches from the cieling impossible to drink out of. So instead of putting my head on the fountain i press the button and let the water descend perfectly into my mouth. I leave the building stand in a empty parking lot and ponder, IM DREAMING! I pinch myself and im off, im not flying but im hovering feet above the ground goin 100 miles an hour using the hills as my park. I stop an look off into the distance, I see cranes construction work and ENOURMOUS mountains. I fly towards the mountains and stop at the bottom of a hill where my house is. I find 2 friends of mine, kevin and someone else. We see a flare pop deep in the mountains, lets go save them I say. We stop at my house and I exit my door with a giant ass TV in my hands, Im about to throw it but realize that isnt right and even in my dreams I should have feelings for others. I set the tv on my porch enter my friends car, take my hat off his head turn around and find a girl riding by. Im gonna get laid before I save this guys life. I basically come straight out and say it, wander off and just before 'we' start I look at the mountains were the flare was. The Flare starts a fire! I see it expand instantaneously, the Northern lights cascade the sky, and a nuke like explosion goes off. my and my friend are blown into reality and I wake up. Conscious.