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      Aether liked post by Sekhmet On thread : Aether's way out of reality.
      Hey, don't be so hard on yourself when you cannot remember a dream. Sometimes I have a have periods when I cannot remember any dreams for weeks, sometimes even months on end. I have read man...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    Night I

    by Aether on 05-01-2013 at 03:10 PM
    Tonight's dreams seemed a bit disconnected, but, overall, the fragments in between were about smoking weed. Maybe there was some fragmentation because today is a holiday, so I got to sleep in, and fell back asleep many times after waking up too early.


    I remember being on a kitchen of some sort, perhaps waiting for something to cook, and smoking pot. As I heard my mother coming in, I threw the joint on the sink (maybe at a toilet).

    A walk on the park: Intense bike riding to the university

    I do not exactly recall where this dream started, though I know that it began to come together on a park. There, I managed to get a bike (did I rent it, take it, or just bring it with me?), and right after I did, I lost control of it and ended up falling on a lake. Apparently, that happened because I was in a hurry, desperate to get to this university I thought I was approved in. Anyhow, as I fell on the lake I noticed something was wrong with the water: there were two lines of a black goo, moving to the same direction, as if it was some sort of sewer system. Disgusted, I tried to get off of it but couldn't, it was sticky and I was held captive by that strange material - it also looked like its flow was taking me somewhere, and that frightened me-.
    Then, I noticed there was a couple passing by, and shouted at them for help. When they came closer, I could see they were both dressed in white clothes, wore expensive accessories and talked in a very snob and full-of-themselves way. They were also blonde.
    Before answering my cry for help, the girl let out a scream of horror: "Oh, no! You fell into the water that turns everything into nothing!", which only confirmed my bad feeling about being in that slowly-moving goo. Then, as I begged for help, a bit mad at them for still having not lifted a finger to aid me, one of them replied, stating that they couldn't do anything for me. Seconds after that, Jake the Dog from the cartoon Adventure Time appeared, swinging from the top of the trees on the park. He then stretched his members to pull me out, and as he did, the goo passed on to him. However, he twisted himself so hard that the goo let go and both of us were free. I thanked him, and, getting back on my bike, I rode it like there was no tomorrow, out of the park and into the city.
    Just outside of the gate of the park, I saw some friends, and asked them if they knew which way should I take to get to the university, which they replied with a bit of sarcasm. That kind of worried me -- were they telling me the truth? -- but I spotted a sign pointing the directions, and decided to go for it. I was riding my bike very intensely;
    There was a special track for cyclists, and I was on it, but it was closed and cars could also drive on that side, so it was difficult to guide the bike amongst so many other vehicles. Then, at some point, I started riding on the sidewalk, which was ridiculously small -- you could barely fit two people at the same time-- and took me some skill not to fall. Anyway, despite my best efforts, I did fall at some time, but I was not injured. I got back up, and into the cars one more time.The lights were red, and I heard an old man talking to an old lady through their cars' windows, about this house to our right, which was empty after its owner was arrested for dealing/smoking marijuana. The lights went green and I eventually got out of that avenue, and into a smaller street. There, I asked for someone about the university I was trying to reach, and they replied me I was about 12km away from it --also, I had taken the wrong path. I thought I had been misled by my friends' malicious words, but then I spotted this chick with an university t-shirt, something about this sports team of theirs. I then promptly asked her about it, and she pointed me to this big gate right in front of me, saying that it was right there. I felt a little stupid for asking the question given the circumstances, thanked her, and headed for the gate. Before leaving her, she said to me "They're selling university gear and stuff, go buy it!". And then, as I finally got inside, a cop came to me, and I realized there was a lot of police cars and people walking around. He told me to stand still, checked me for weapons and took some pictures of me. I was sent to this very small room, where some lady with glasses was talking to me, and then the room appeared to compress me and the dream faded.

    Note: Apparently, my goal to reach this university was signing up for my classes, as in this dream I had been approved as a Philosophy undergrad.

    We appreciate you, Aether: Memories from the past and people I don't know.

    In this very short dream, I was in my old house, surrounded by people I have never met and other figures from the past. The dream begins in my very first childhood room, where I am making out with my girlfriend, hiding in the closet and then just kissing and hugging each other. At some point we come out of it and continue to fool around, and then some chicks from a school I went to years ago show up, as if they were presenting the house to others, in some sort of sightseeing kind of thing. They are a bit embarrassed, and so are we, so we move out of the room. My girlfriend joins other people and I go take a shower. Apparently, it's my 18th birthday and I am "becoming a man". I try to get ready to meet everyone, as fast as I can, but I can hear them calling me every minute singing "We appreciate you, Aether!". So I go to the kitchen, were all the singing is coming from, and greet everyone from a distance, telling them I had to go dress up and stuff. Anyhow, this one old lady tells me a few things before I go: "All you need is to know where your kids are, how your wife is and where to get your Fish." I was a bit confused by this, but it made sense to me at the moment; Maybe I did have a wife and kids. What if my girlfriend and I were actually getting married?
    Despite all of these new thoughts, I got into the shower, and out, tried to dress up good, and found this underwear with the word "Fish" on it. I dressed it up, remembering what that old lady told me, and it transformed into very uncomfortable pants. I went to say hi to everyone else, and then the dream faded.

    Updated 05-01-2013 at 03:18 PM by Aether

    non-lucid , dream fragment