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    31st October - Bar Fight and Lipstick - Non Lucid

    by alexnorthrule on 11-01-2014 at 11:11 AM
    My dream was set in the pub that I did a trial shift in yesterday evening.

    So I'm in the pub, and various friends arrive through the evening. At one point I am sat at the end of the bar with some of them, and a group of men come in, three of them, and start saying they are going to kill someone. We wanted them out of the pub and we started fighting. The manager grabbed one guy, I grabbed this HUGE guy and the other one disappeared. I am not sure where the guy the manager was fighting went, but the guy I was fighting picked up a chair. (Turned into one of those wrestling chairs that they hit each other with) and started coming towards me. I through my pint glass and it hit the chair, he then threw the chair and I grabbed it out of the air. He ran at me and I managed to judo flip hip to the floor. then commenced 5 minutes of me showing him hell and dragging him round like a rag doll. He then got up and apologised, and bought me a drink and left.

    I sat at the bar with my pint and turn around and stood there is an an ex is there with some friends. I say hello and they come over. She wraps her arms around me and gives me a massive hug telling me I should have seen her more. She has purple lipstick (which sounds weird but looks quite good) and she leans in to kiss me half on the lips half on the cheek. It goes on me and we laugh about it (I wont go into any more details, but it was one of those soppy dream moments that you wake up smiling from)

    I said that I would join her outside with everyone, and went behind the bar to get a drink. The pub had been open so long it was light outside and they were cleaning up behind the bar area. All the handles had been taken off the pumps except the Strongbow one. At first I attempted to get things out of the Carling one, but all that came out was some crappy old ale with loads of sediment in it, then the glass smashed in my had as I tried to drink it, and I could feel the sharp glass pressing against my lips. Eventually just got a Strongbow in a new glass. I went outside with everyone and then the dream ended.


    Before Bed
    No blue light from screen (got an app called flux)
    Alcohol, one amaretto and coke
    Little water
    Bed at 01:30 rose at 09:30

    More violence. And different to other dreams where usually if I go to hit something it feels like I am moving my arm against a sponge or through water
    I have also just stared drinking Rooibos tea (and allot of it because its so good) which has lots of health benefits, so maybe this has an effect on dream recall?
    Tonight I will not drink alcohol but I will have Rooibos.

    30th October - Train Crash and Guns - Non Lucid

    by alexnorthrule on 10-31-2014 at 10:59 AM
    Inside a large compound with one high sloped wooden bank, and building on two of the other sides. The other end just kept going so the compound must have been huge. I had a paintball gun in my hands and was in the middle of a game with one other person. Interesting to see how gravity effected the balls as they were fired. Even over short distance. On the opposite side to the sloped bank was a dilapidated building. Some old friends were leaning out of it shouting me to come up, saying they were building a swimming pool. Took the staircase on the right side of the building, expecting just to be able to walk right through, but it was split into two rooms, and the room I was trying to get through was JAM PACKED with mothers and their kids. I mean shoulder to shoulder mothers... no chance. Carried on up one more flight of stairs to see if I could get over the top but my path was blocked by large atlas maps rolled up in plastic tubes. I needed one for my bedroom in real lifeso I picked it up, but a child said 'No, they are the schools!'

    Ran back to the car park and jumped in a Jeep wrangler, speeding off down the jungle rally track that started at the end of the car park. Look over to my left and in the passenger seat is a young boy, and for some reason I know he is going to be there for the rest of the time. I slam my foot to the floor, and hurtle round the corners. It reminds me of temple run, and huge logs block the road at points. I don't slow down, just lean back and pull the steering wheel and the car jumps over. I miss judge a turn though and the car goes rolling into the forest. We manage to jump out before the car leaves the road though, and we watch it hurtle into the distance. (A few minutes later ill see an explosion in the distance and assume that was the car finally coming to rest)

    I look about to see what is around, and an old man is there with a long beard, standing in the middle of a rail way track that runs parallel to the jungle rally track. All three of us walk along it and eventually the trees die back and we are wandering through a large open plain. Suddenly I hear a huge horn and turn around to see a train bearing down on us. Its so close and so fast. Everything goes into slow motion and me and the old man dive sideways. I see the little boy just stood there. The train is about to hit him but I manage to grab his t shirt. It turns all elastic and just stretches, pulling him away much slower than it should. The train turns ad drives off the track. I look up and the driver waves as if to say 'hold on, Ill take it round the block'

    Watching the train just disregard the track and do a full circle on the grass was pretty impressive. It came back around and the driver said don'r worry about it. I got on the train and it was full of people what looked like they were heading to a fancy event. I guessed they were all together. The inside of the train was set out exactly like the inside of a coach. I walk out of the middle door into a courtyard. Everyone is stood around as if at a wedding reception. Walking through the crowd, a guy holds his fist up for me to bump it, but when I do, he grabs my hand, and wont let go. Then he does, I crack him the biggest back hand I can manage. (I don't know why) It makes a loud noise, everyone looks, and he starts crying. I big shout of 'Call the police!' goes up and I just leg it. I ran up past the church with my best mate and then up the the police station.

    There were tall narrow startcases up the the front desk of the police station and i started pouring out my story to the officer. There was a moody french couple what wouldnt say more than a few mumbles in my direction. I went back ooutside and there was a mob of people shouting for my. Loads of boys from the younger year of my old school with tennis balls, ready to punish me for hitting the guy. I stood up taller than all of them and roared like a lion, and they all ran away. I went back up to the front desk of the station but it had changed into a kitchen and the officer that i had been talking to was stood there making a slight variation of a kebab from Berlin (They are the best) There were three hand guns on the table in front of me and one of them had a large scope on it. I picked it up and looked through the scope. The image I saw was better than crystal clear. I have not seen anything that clear in a dream before. (Expectations)

    Put the gun down and went downstairs. There was a car parked outside that was full of water with a man sat submerged inside. as i got there the water had just dipped below his face and he looked upset. I kicked to door off and asked him if he was committing suicide. He said he was, so I dragged him out the car. He looked flustered and told me to leave him alone. He got into a van but I told him he was coming upstairs. He was having none of it and tried to drive off. I was having none of that, and pushed the back of the van. The whole thing spun into a wall. He reversed and I did the same thing. I then grabbed the back and just flipped the whole van onto it's side. (super human strength) He was so angry and started chasing me. I ran up the stairs into the police station and told the officer. He was watching TV at the time and stood up and aimed his gun at the top of the stairs. The fat guy came up, saw the gun and instantly vanished. And then the dream ended.

    Before Bed
    Blue light from the screen
    Lots of alcohol
    Nicotine for the first time in a couple of days
    Lots of water before bed

    Woke at 06:00 and went back into the dream 10 mins later then rose at 09:15

    -A few violent things in the dream which doesn't usually happen-