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    March 27
    About Alki
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    I am a guy who likes to build things! I can make something cool out of real materials or through virtual means. Minecraft is one awesome game.

    I like to think about deep questions, and search for answers.

    Skepticism is key to find truth in this world. Skepticism isn't automatic doubt, it's simply to ask questions.
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    Philosophy, Science, Video Games, Computers, Fiction
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    Battleships, Stoves, and Canyons

    by Alki on 12-10-2011 at 09:19 PM
    Awake - Dream - Lucid
    "..." shows where time in the dream is missing.

    Time: Morning of 12/10/11

    This was interesting. I'm hoping that I got down all the details.

    I had gotten up at around 6:00 AM to look at the lunar eclipse. My dad had woken me up to look at it. He and my little sister were leaving for a swim meet. After they left, I went back to bed and listened to internet radio on my iPod. I was listening to old archive clips of Phil Hendrie. I hadn't been using any sort of induction technique for the past several weeks.

    I was on some sort of massive beach, which was crowded with hundreds of people at tables and in front of consoles. It seemed like it was some sort of convention for RC boats and also large ships. The sky was grayish blue, and the water was very dark and kind of choppy, but it was warm, and there was no wind...
    I'm riding one of the small RC aircraft carriers out into the water, which was congested with other boats and ships...
    Everyone is talking about some new sort of war ship that the military is looking into...
    Writing this, I can't remember what was so special about it!
    Now I'm in back of what I think must have been one of the new ships. There is a large patio and there are people sitting and chatting. I somehow pull down from the back of this ship (which didn't appear to be in the water) a massive round grate, like the one you'd find over the gas outlet on a gas stove. I twist something under the grate, and a massive fire is lighted beneath it. This grate was massive, and for this scene of the dream, my view appeared to be flying overhead, even though I felt like my body was still on the ship. Everyone loved the stove top thing. They praised my accomplishment. Then I tried to turn it off, but it was very hot and I had to use massive pliers to twist the valve shut... I don't remember if I actually succeeded in getting the thing turned off.
    Everything seemed to skip ahead one year. I was coming back to the convention this year, accompanied by my dad this time. He said everyone would want a setup spot next to me because I had become famous at last year's convention. As he said this, we were wondering a back gravel path past wood cabins in what seemed to be a forest. There was a little snow on the ground, but I didn't feel cold. Apparently these were all convention spots; we just had to get to the beach. Everyone tried to talk to me as we passed. Eventually we rounded a corner at the end of the string of cabins, and there was the beach, packed with people. I wondered off to my spot, which I somehow knew. Next to my spot, I saw someone who I edit videos for on YouTube, but had never actually met in person. He apparently had the spot next to mine. He was busy setting up an RC boat. I said hi and without looking up he said "hey, buddy." Then we got to talking and I noticed that he seemed to be made out of the same material as egg cartons are. I asked him about it and he said something which I can't remember. I said to him, "this is the first time I've actually met you in person." He replied, but I can't remember how. A bunch of people were coming up to me and asking if I was going to do the stove top again this year. I said I would...
    Now we are on board one of the new military ships again. I seem to suddenly be accompanied by some friends from school. The halls inside the ship are dim with a greenish tint. Eventually I find my way to a computer and look at the screen...
    Now I'm at the top of a cliff at a smooth-faced orange canyon. At the bottom, there is blue water, clear enough to see to the bottom. The cliffs weren't too high, maybe 100 feet or so. I make some remark about this being the perfect place for the stove, because there is a lot of space in the gorge...
    Now I am at a beach, but it doesn't seem to be the same one. It is very sunny and the water is calm, and there are no other people besides my group. Next to the water, I am setting up some apparatus necessary for the stove top. I am with someone else, but I don't remember who. A sound startles us and we look around, to see a group of basketball-sized colored spheres, all with cartoonish faces, moving along in a line and making some sort of song. I walk up to them, and they greet me and tell me they are on some sort of mission. We go back around a hill that was behind us...
    My group of friends and the spheres chat for a while, saying they need to explore the surrounding system. We chat for a while. I then go back out to the canyon, and as I get to where I would be setting up the stove top, I hear a sound behind me. I look over a rock and see another sphere, with round glasses and a long white beard. Somehow, I seem to recognize this sphere, and I go and talk to him...

    Between there and the next part, I'm sure something else happened, but I can't remember what. I don't want to trick myself into making up details that weren't really there, so I won't try to write anything.
    We are talking with the spheres, and they put up on a screen what their planned path around the area was for their mission. It was a map that should looping lines, like an orbital path. Chris, a friend of mine from school, added a separate path branching off from the main loops, saying that would add some fun...
    Now I just see an overview of the original crowded beach. A voice is talking about that military ship again, describing it. It says something like "It looks like a battleship, but it mainly works as a
    *can't remember*. I then see a side view of the ship, with the water underneath translucent. The ship sinks, and I begin to hear parts of my online radio.

    I wake up, turn off the radio, and check the clock. It's somewhere around 11:30. I decide to get up and write this down.

    This dream seemed to be more coherent than the last one I posted. There are still bits missing, but it seems to be more complete. I enjoyed this dream a lot, but I'm not sure exactly why.

    • The dream had a positive feel to it.
    • This dream also involved people I really knew, which I find interesting. For me, that hasn't been common.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Train Ride and Handouts

    by Alki on 11-12-2011 at 11:58 PM
    Awake - Dream - Lucid
    "..." shows where time in the dream is missing.

    Time: Night of 11/11/11 or Afternoon of 11/12/11

    I can only remember bits and pieces of this dream. I was woken up by my dad, but I fell back asleep and I think that's when I had it, but I'm not sure.

    I go to bed way too late, like almost 3 AM. I go to bed listening to a lucid dream induction video on my iPod. (The one I listen to currently can be found here.) I try to think about how easy lucid dreaming is, and what I'm going to do in the dream, (as prescribed in Silverbullet's Key to Lucid Dreaming). Eventually I fall asleep.

    I wake up, but still lie in bed. My dad comes in to wake me up because it's like 1:15 PM. He leaves and I lie there for a bit. I drift back to sleep and I think that's when I have this dream:

    ... I was overlooking some massive, beautiful city from a hill. The city looked kind of futuristic, and had glistening tall buildings. It was near the sea, and the sun was setting...
    With a group of some of my classmates from school, we were being told about some upcoming train ride. I don't remember what the train ride was for, exactly. I was asked if I wanted to be some sort of handout person on the train, handing out information to other people about something which I can't remember...
    We are on the train now, but the room we are in certainly doesn't feel like a train car. It is a large cafeteria type room, with tables set up with free food. Although this obviously didn't look like a train, my mind still told me I was on the train. There were windows. I looked out and saw that we were on an elevated track on some sort of bridge thing extending over some beautiful, misty river valley. It looked like a very cool environment...
    In the cafeteria car thing I'm eating donuts, I can't remember if I actually tasted them...
    I'm looking out a window in a different car, which is still too big to really be on a train. I look out a window at the scenery below, which is similar to the aforementioned river valley. I walk away from the window towards some hallway-thing, and hear a girl from school laugh. I turn around and imitate the sound. I walk into the hallway thing, which I can now tell is an actual train car inside, as in how one should normally look. It's very narrow, with some seats facing forward, on the inner side (I don't know how there can be an inner side of a train, but it didn't have windows), and seats facing inward below some long windows. There are a ton of people from my class in this row, standing up. They were told to begin doing the handouts. I saw one of my friends was wearing a vest that said "Baptist Church" on the back, which confused me because I know he isn't Baptist. My mind tells me the train is now headed back to the city, though I didn't remember stopping anywhere in the dream. I felt happy that I didn't decide to be a handout giver, but I don't know why now...
    The scene is now a flyby of the train from the outside. It is on an elevated rail still, over a massive ocean. The sun is either rising or setting, and the train was shaped like a normal train! There were no bulges from big cafeteria cars or anything! Inside the windows I could see people sitting in their seats, riding home.

    I wake up, but don't remember that I had been dreaming for a few minutes. I finally do remember after feeling sad that I didn't have any dreams. That's when I got up to write this.

    This is the first dream I can remember having since I joined DV. I want to make good use of this journal. This is a good way of keeping track of dreams since my computer's in my room and I hate writing by hand. I want to maintain a constant format for my dream recordings so that it becomes easier to recognize dream signs and such.

    • I don't know for sure if I had the dream during the night or after I woke up and fell back to sleep, it just seems like it happened after I fell back asleep.
    • The fact that I was confused by my friend wearing the "Baptist Church" vest is interesting because it shows that I was able to remember real-world facts even while dreaming. This could help on my path to LDing.

    Updated 11-13-2011 at 12:04 AM by Alki

    non-lucid , dream fragment