• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Alyzarin and Linkzelda

    411 Visitor Messages

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    1. Just wanted to let you know that I finished the hypnosis script, going to convert it to a pdf so you can download it and use it whenever you want. Pop into google talk when you have time, I'll be available for most of today.
    2. Yeah, sure!
    3. Hey, do you think you might be on chat later?
    4. I can't say for sure at the moment, but I might be on. I'll try to be if I can.
    5. Hey, just wondering if you would be able to chat tonight for a bit maybe around 8PM or so (after I discussed some things with my father of course). My phone is malfunctioning, which is why I'm using this as a message to you. Hope things are going well for you, see you on Google Talk sometime later or someday later.
    6. Do you have spare time to talk a bit on google talk? I'll be online for rest of the day.
    7. You should get online. >w<
    8. Why thank you, kind sir. :3
    9. Nice avatar
    10. Sorry, I was walking in the rain after class ended early. I didn't want my laptop to get wet and destroyed. Something is wrong with this stupid bicycle, I rode it when I was about 1 minute away from my apartment, and it sucks lol. Also, my backpack front is torn, so I have to get a new one.
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