• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Alyzarin and OldNutter

    19 Visitor Messages

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    1. Ah, gotcha. Well that's cool.
    2. Lol, Changed my name about 3 or 4 days ago.
    3. Good lord. When did you change your name!?
    4. Haha, thanks! I was like 20 when I first signed up on DV, if that helps at all.
    5. Happy birthday... Found out just now that you aren't like 19, as I previously though!
    6. Awesome! Thanks :3
    7. Hey, I don't know if you noticed but an ad bot DJ entry just got posted.


      I've so far been notifying Erii of these, but I figured it might help you break in your new name color.
    8. Well, just keep working your way up to the top and eventually you'll be able to pick whichever name color you want!
    9. I miss the black :'(

      And thanks
    10. And just like that your name changes color again. :O You're too fickle!

    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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