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    Conversation Between Alyzarin and Wolfwood

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    1. Hahaha, she realllllllly gets you pumped - it's good, man. ^_^ I can feel her positive vibe through you on me. lol I prefer older people anyway, around their mid 40s - there's a certain look in their eyes that's just damn sexy. I can see that their soul has been touched, and they've been through some fucked up experiences, or I can see the devilishness in them eyes. It's a certain strenghth, you know? When it comes to these sorts of things, I don't like seeing weakness in the eyes... craziness or scariness, I love it. Feels like a challenge lol... if that makes any sense whatsoever. Yeah, show me this good site. lmfao, that's your tag line now: Alyzarin - I already get ridiculous amounts of pleasure from completely crushing someone's reality.
    2. (continued)

      I already get ridiculous amounts of pleasure from completely crushing someone's reality, so it's about time I took it to the next level! And if being electrocuted at the same time will help that along then I'll give them as much as they can possibly handle and then double the strength after that.
    3. (continued)

      Obviously there are more "older" people than younger people generally in them just because the younger you are the less likely you are to have considered really getting into it... but there is still a pretty good age range. I've met a number of people younger than me there at those meetups, even some who came with their parents. I'd say the average range around here is late 20s to 30s though. But it goes as high at least as 60s and 70s, if not more! I would say that the oldest people there are some of the craziest partiers, there are some really sick fucks there. I'm sure if you find a community there you'll find a similar situation. I completely recommend it if you really want to get into it! I think it would suit you well. And I can only hope!!
    4. Oh yeah, she could definitely be much further away!! We're already jumping headfirst into the plans to visit each other and even move somewhere together one day though. But yes, we're very close in age! She's just a couple years older than me. And we both have both dominant and submissive qualities. :3 I'd say we both prefer submission - we both love that feeling of being totally and completely overwhelmed, of losing control... to the point that each of our biggest turn ons involve completely disintegrating, simply ceasing to exist... becoming one with everything and nothing, like during an ego death. However, we both also love the idea of pushing others to that point, and we both like to be sadistic about it. She even talks about having these crazy apocalyptic dreams where everyone is going insane and she loves it... she's so hot. X) But you should totally look for a BDSM community around you if you can!! I can give you a good site for it if you need one.
    5. Oh wow, she sounds perfect for you - almost a clone of yourself; a reflection. It's too bad that she happens to live far away though - at least she's in the same country. Haha, open minded duo - a threesome BDSM-type play on psychedelics might be interesting. It's crazy to think that someone has a wider range of experiences than you do. Thought that was seemingly impossible. O_O So, are you both around the same age or? Both dominant/submissive? That BDSM community sounds damn awesome - for some reason, I always tend to picture vampires in a mansion when I think of attending a BDSM meetup. Nonetheless, from what you say, sounds like they desire to express themselves openly without hesitation and restraint. From your comments, it's making me want to search for one in my area hmm. Were the people old (50+) or? I want to be zapped by electricity, gotta try that. Ah pain will make me powerful. Soon you'll be an accomplished dominant master of electrical and psychedelic force eh?
    6. (continued)

      I was also talking to him about that girl and how she was telling me that she wants to be force fed psychedelics far beyond her limits (something we also share ) and saying that I want to have the perfect attitude for it so I can take her to unimaginable places, so he offered to mentor me on how to be a good dominatrix too. I'm excited!!

      Anyway... I'll stop there for now!!
    7. (continued)

      She started scratching me with these metal nails too which did the same thing, and then she had everyone in the room walk up to me and start stroking me all over because even just skin to skin contact would make it happen. It was intense!! I'm still not sure if physical masochism is going to be a huge thing for me normally but it was a pretty neat experience. I'm still really looking forward to trying whips and floggers though! I actually have a friend now, a polyamorous guy, who plays the dominant role in a 24/7 Master/slave relationship. He's intoxicating, it scares me how easily he can shut down my rational thought processing (in a good way >w<). He makes floggers and paddles and cuffs and stuff as a home business too, so I'm definitely going to try some of that stuff out with him.
    8. (continued)

      They're just all so happy and loving and open with their sexuality, it really is a magical community. They accept anyone and everyone into it with open arms. Pretty quickly I got introduced to some of the cool places around town too - dungeons and rope dojos and swingers' clubs and such. It's been a hell of an experience. I really just wanted to get into it to see what all appeals to me more than for the random hookups at those places though. I have to say that probably my favorite thing so far was this educational thing they did where you could attend classes on different types of play taught by various experienced locals. I went to one on violet wands and it was badass; just getting zapped was cool enough, but the best part was when this woman had me hold the wand and then turned it on, and then she pulled out a knife and dragged it across my skin only to have a stream of electricity flowing between them and leaving a mark all the way down my arm. XD
    9. (continued)

      That alone didn't stop me from smoking weed right away, however... when I met that girl I dropped it without a second thought, and I haven't looked back since. (Day nine as of now!) I'm so excited to get myself back to that fully healthy point again and start tripping with her!!!! For the record though, in case you want SOME crazy trip story to hold you over for now, my friend's girlfriend (who is also a good friend) ended up seeing the whole room turning into hyperspacey visions of hell, and all the walls started bleeding and stuff, and she was able to see around walls at impossible angles. It was her first time on any psychedelic.

      Heh heh heh.... The first time I went to a meeting of BDSM people around here felt similar to the first time I smoked weed, only I didn't need the drugs to feel high. And that was just a dinner meetup to get to know them! They are the coolest people in the whole fucking world....
    10. (continued)

      A friend of mine just happened to have extracted some DMT recently too and was wanting to try it for the first time along with his girlfriend, and he invited me to sit in for it since I'd be the only one with some experience with it. I let each of them go first and have their fun, and I was very hesitant when my turn came but eventually gave in.... I think I startled my friends because as soon it started hitting I yelled "FUCK! I forgot how great this feels!!" I had this big shit eating grin on my face the whole time. There WAS still a slight head pressure, but that made perfect sense, and there was no sign of any bad mood or panic or anything, not even come up anxiety... just smooth sailing from start to finish. I purposefully did a very small dose, just enough for mild visuals at best, but the body high and mindset were insanely positive and I felt such a great reinforcement of everything that I've been thinking and feeling lately.
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