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    by AminaAcid on 08-20-2014 at 04:59 PM
    2nd Dream

    For this dream, starting from where I remember it starting. I think I was in a bad side of town, but I was okay because this guy had kind of adopted me as his daughter or something like that. Anyways we are all sitting there chilling and this car pulls up. About three people get out and they want to rob a store but it's closed and all locked up. So they pull out a knife and decide to come after me, this is when the guy goes after them. But then one of the guys gets this bottle that looks like a huge perfume bottle with one of those squeeze things. So they set this on fire and were kicking it around because it was suppose to explode like a Molotov. I couldn't get away from it and ended up backed into a corner behind the people that were trying to rob the place. I figured they'd make a good shield for when the bottle exploded. Well the bottle turned out to be more like one of those fire crackers that shoots sparks in the air, but the flame was like a torch shooting a few feet up from the bottle. The robbers were standing in front of me cheering as they were burning. I felt a little bit of the heat but I was pretty much safe. Then I kind of woke up and there was a shift.

    In the next part I was living with the protector guy and I guess it was a rehabilitation house for teens. I was one of the kids he helped rehabilitate and was now living with him helping with new teens that moved in. Well there was one girl living with us and I guess she had an father in the military or something. She wanted to go home and visit her dad. The protector didn't like this idea and said she was going to come back in sorry shape. I guess she was abused at home, since at this point I had flashbacks of her visiting home and coming back severely depressed. Then there was some kind of meeting and I was told that it was time for me to open my own rehabilitation house. I was saying I couldn't do it on my own.

    I had two other fragments. The first one I was in a school I think it was suppose to be my old high school. In the dream it had transformed into a top of the line high school, well at least for science. It had the latest in science lab equipment. The only thing was I was back in school and was trying to enroll. I ran into my old 5th grade teacher and she offered to take me downstairs to enroll as a student. I remember she sat in one of those chair things to take people down a flight of stairs once we got to the bottom I woke up.

    In the other fragment, a family member had opened a restaurant. The only thing was all our patrons looked really bored and so we asked them why. They said the food was fine but the atmosphere needed some change. IT was a tiny building with slate grey walls and two windows on the front on either side of the door. I think the windows had bars on them and they had these really tattered and dingy pale yellow curtains (I think the color had faded and that's why they were so pale). So we started talking about what color to paint the walls and at first I said a powder blue, then off I switched to purple. Then I started asking what kind of emotions did the owner want the place to evoke. She was saying she wanted fresh flowers on every table. It was then time to close the restaurant and I was walking home. One of my coworkers from the restaurant pulled up and offered me a ride in classic car. At this point the dream moved back in time so all the cars were "classic". I remember us driving off down the road and then waking up.
    non-lucid , dream fragment


    by AminaAcid on 08-19-2014 at 03:59 PM
    Last night the first past of the dream that I remember is, being at some kind of game show. I remember a line of high school students waiting to get in and see the show. Somehow I ended up behind the scenes and almost saw the participants’ faces. Some guy yelled at me about not being allowed back there and told them to cover their faces. I then left that area and was just walking around. I ended up with Brandy and her son and some other lady with a son the same age. They were driving this weird van that was huge and had the driving compartment in the back seat with a bunch of cameras. Then there was this huge machine with giant blades going around shredding everything in it's path. It was built to clear tree limbs from growing too low and blocking the view on streets. The machine seemed to be able to rip through anything and if anybody had any additions on the front of the house it would tear through those. I'm pretty sure the machine shredded me and I woke up.

    In another dream I was with this group of people one of them was from my chemistry class last year. Well anyways they were doing drugs and invited me to do some with them. This one guy was saying how the girl from my chem class was a freak and all she wanted to do was sleep around. I remember thinking something about innocence and purity. I think my phone woke me up from this dream.
    non-lucid , dream fragment