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I first started trying to Lucid dream around November maybe, My time frames off slightly. I have Never before wrote down my dreams. I have pretty bad trust issues, and if anyone whom knew me were to read my dreams. well I just wouldn't feel very comfortable. My dreams are almost sacred to me. Anyway I remember the first time I tried to do something in my dream, it went something like this.
I was in a hotel room, one I have never been in before. there were papers everywhere. Math equations, I found some weird science out, where if I could convert longitude and latitude into hexadecimal, and If I thought about the place exactly as it is, with it's hex number I could teleport there. Anyway so I'm figuring all this stuff out and my cell phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket flip it open, and it's my father wondering if I could go see him, he says he at some hotel room 237, I say sure Ill be there in a sec. Well I couldn't figure out how to calculate the room and level of the room into my equations. and I couldn't find him. I ended up just waking up.
The next night I tried to have some sort of lucid dream, I was next to some huge warehouse exiting it,The sky was cloudy, in front of me was some place that looked almost like a lumber yard, but it was behind a fence. Luckily there was a hole in the fence, So I just passed right through. I was chilling behind some scrap metal when I heard some yelling. I turned just in time to see someone run past me, and there was a cop trailing the guy. First thought I had was that I wasn't suppose to be here either and I had to get out, I ran back to the fence where I came through, right as I passed through I saw another cop in front of me, I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my wrist, I knew I couldn't get away. and I immediately woke up.
Before I went to sleep this night I said to myself, I am invincible nothing can hurt me, I'm super fast, nothing can hurt me, I'm invincible, and just repeated a couple times. So I'm in my dream. at some arcade that I've never been to one of my good friends come up to me and say, dude there's a fat party up in green-ville wanna go? I'm like hell ya man I just need to get some gas money first, he says iaght and leaves. I'm walking around looking in machines for spare change. That's when I see an air hockey table with 40 bucks on it. I look around real quick noticing there's a birthday party going on, I grab the money and see two men in suits looking straight at me, They yell Hey stop right there! I remember my last dream and me getting caught, As I start to run I say to myself I am invincible nothing can hurt me. I get outside the arcade and see a railing in front of me, I jump over it thinking its a short way down, turns out I was on the second story of this building, when I hit the ground my first thought is surprise I didn't break my legs. I continue running to my car, I see my car in the parking lot my friends are already there. I get in and drive away, next thing I know I'm driving onto some driveway. and there's interconnected desks above me, like paths and staircase's above me. 2.3.4. stories up, decks and stairs going all directions. and there's tons of people and a lot of drinking going on. I get some beer and start enjoying myself some. Someone I know not very good come's up to me and is like yo man can I borrow your car to go to the store? * I Never ever let anyone I don't really know use my car Ever* but I knew I was dreaming so I was like sure man, just bring it back in one piece. I walk up to some girl's and start having a convo,(don't remember what about) But the guy I let borrow my car comes back with a bunch of wires. I'm like dude where the. Is my car?!? he's like idk man this is all there was outside. I punched him in the face, then woke up.
After all that I didn't want to let anyone borrow things in my dream, even though I knew I was dreaming it still pissed me off his lack of respect, This night, I look around I'm in some woods that I have never been in, I feel asleep thinking about what a spirit guild would look like to me. so I start looking around the tree's trying to see if anything stands out to me, I see a bear in the distance, he doesn't look friendly so I stay away, But I couldn't find anything else, so I figured I'd stalk the bear and see where he goes, as I do this I ran into a penguin, He was wearing a suit and talking to me. We talked for some time, I can't remember exactly what he said, we both talked of our lives some and he said hes not my spirit guild, so I woke up,
After that I wanted to see if I could find him again, I had some more questions, So I'm in some different woods, they look kinda the same, but yet different. I walked for awhile until I came to some city, Huge city, but it was deserted so now I was getting kinda bored, I walked into a building rode the elevator up to the top floor, walked down a hallway, there was a door on the left open, The door was old wood, but inside it was a largish room with glass walls, and one door on the left and one on the right, I went through the left one, only bc I chose to see if it was unlocked first, inside was a sniper rifle and a 9mm handgun. I opened a window and grabbed the rifle, Looking out on the city I couldn't find any civilians just cops, There were cars Normal cars driving around but no civilians, I thought this weird, But I was bored and I had a sniper and there was cops everywhere, so I started killing them... I probably killed 14-15. before they noticed what was going on. and it was kinda cool I didn't have to reload the gun, anyway I heard the *ding* of the elevator, So I set the rifle down and grabbed the handgun, I looked out my door, clear, moved to the wooden door, looked out cops were swarming the hallway I start shooting, 1 down,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, click, click, damn no ammo, I retreat to my glass room. they swarm inside, Yelling Put your hands in the air and drop the gun, I dropped the gun saying it's out of ammo can I borrow a few bullets, next thing I know they all shot. them shooting set off my adrenaline, but before I woke up I remember not seeing any bullets, I remember they made noise but there was no bullets, this made me laugh.
I have had other dreams since those, but as I don't keep a dream journal it's hard to recollect all my dream's. Every night I sleep I Almost always have a dream and if I have one I can always remember it. so just give me a week I'll have some more.