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    Old friends try to kill me

    by apurtell on 02-13-2013 at 04:29 AM
    My dream was staged in an old barn next to a farm house. I was inside the barn with some old friends from years ago, and for whatever reason they felt they needed to kill me. It was a very calm atmosphere, nobody seemed rushed to get the job done or anything. I had the impression that I knew something I wasn't suppose to or something, so they felt I had to go. I said I would cooperate since there was no reason to struggle (I felt I didn't have a chance). I asked them how they were going to do it. There was a square pool in the floor by the wall of the barn and they said I had to jump in and they would hold my head underwater. I was mortified! They couldn't think of a less painful/terrifying way?? I told them I thought that was a terrible idea and they stopped smiling and acting so carefree. I knew they had done this to people in the past and felt that it was an easy way to go. I told them I didn't want to die (I was terrified of being drowned!) and they just said it needed to be done. I tried reasoning with them saying that since I knew what they had done it made me a party to what had happened, so they had no need to kill me...I was just as responsible as they were for not telling anybody about their guilt (I still wasn't sure what they had done, I just didn't want to die). They weren't buying it, so I started crying. I was really getting scared. They started to seem a little hesitant, and my one friend (Emil) had left, so I felt the remaining two wouldn't be able to pull it off (Jon and Chris). I'd always been closer to them, so maybe they would let me go. After a while Jon approached me and told me not to worry. He had thought of something that just might work so they might not have to kill me after all.

    They eventually decided they didn't need to kill me, but I still felt like they might change their mind. I knew I needed to leave the farm but I didn't feel I could leave without my school books. I was now outside of the barn and my books were inside by the pool. I was afraid to go inside and have them change their mind. I saw a girl from my class in her car and almost asked her to go in with me so I'd have a witness and have less of a chance of anything happening, but then I thought that I'd feel really bad if they just ended up killing her too. She drove away before I could ask her.

    At some point my friend Shawn came up to me and said that they had worked it out and they wouldn't kill me if I could give them $400 a week. I told him that was impossible, I don't have that kind of money! He just looked at me disappointed and I felt they were thinking of killing me again. I told him I could give them what I could, but $400 wasn't possible. I knew as soon as I got away I was going to tell someone what was going on out here, and I felt that they were beginning to sense that about me. I kept talking trying to make it sound like I was really going to pay them what I could. He didn't look convinced.

    At some point it was dark and I was in the field around the farm. I knew they were looking for me. I tried to keep low beneath the crops (don't know what kind, but very short) so they wouldn't see me. I saw my friend Kelly's car in the field in front of me, and I knew if I could just get to that I would be ok. I kept running real low and I could hear them behind me. They were telling me to stop and getting closer. When I got to the car I had to unlock it to get inside and I was trembling I was so scared. I finally made it in and locked the doors just as they reached me. I could see their shadows in the darkness surrounding the car. My hands were shaking and I was fumbling with the keys to get away. I heard it turn over but it didn't sound like it caught. I gunned it anyway and the car shot forward. I was afraid they might have guns but they didn't shoot at me. I kept driving as fast as I could, but it was hard to see because Kelly had this huge notebook hanging from her windshield so I couldn't see through it very well. Then I realized that I was in the backseat and she was driving, so it shouldn't matter if I could see anyway, but somehow I knew that it did.

    Suddenly I was at home, but I was my friend Kelly. I was going to call Amy (me) to see what we should do about the whole situation. I knew they would be looking for us and we weren't safe. I called her (me) on the phone and asked if Mandy was there (nobody calls me Mandy, it's Amy). My voice on the other line said to call me Amy and we continued our conversation. We apparently didn't know each other very well yet since she didn't know what to call me, and we were still in high school in my dream. I (Kelly) said that I thought we should tell somebody about what had happened and turn them in. Amy said that she didn't think that we should. She felt that if we didn't say anything it would prove that we didn't plan to and they would eventually realize that we were no risk and stop trying to kill us. I didn't agree with this at all. I didn't know how to convince her that they wouldn't stop until we were dead.

    All I remember after that is being in my old bedroom at my parents old house and wondering what to do. It was a really scary dream. I don't think I've had a dream like that in a pretty long time, and I don't think I've ever had a dream where I ended up being somebody else talking to myself as another person.

    A good night

    by apurtell on 01-30-2013 at 04:49 PM
    I don't remember a lot about the dreams I had last night, but I remember the essence of them. I stayed home from work last night to study and went to bed a little early, so last night just seemed to be everything I needed it to be for the moment.

    I went to bed around 11 pm and fell asleep within an hour (pretty quick for me). I woke up a few times during the night and each time I remembered parts of the dreams I was having.

    Most of my dreams were about studying for my test, which is very helpful for today! This has happened in the past, even to the point where I'm reading my notes and they look exactly as they do in real life when I check after waking. When I woke up today I felt refreshed and, while reviewing before class this morning, have found that I know the material much more clearly today

    Another dream that I remember is being sent to a building by my instructor for some sort of interview. It wasn't for a job, it was more for practice and information on the career I was heading for. When I got there, there were two middle aged women behind the counter in the Human Resource department (where I was suppose to go). They asked how they could help me and I told them I was sent for an interview by my instructor. This seemed to cheer them up somehow and they were suddenly eager to talk to me. They had worked in the career that I'm studying for and had enjoyed it. They were teaching in the building we were currently in (apparently it was a school). They asked what I liked/disliked about it and I told them the truth (I don't love it but don't hate it). I sometimes get confused if this is the right career choice for me. I told them that I don't really feel that I want to pursue a career in the field I'm currently studying, but that I want to continue my education to pursue a specific career that involves further study. They seemed excited about my choice and fully supported my decision. They gave me the impression that it would be a good choice for me. I was feeling really good and I knew it was about time to go. They started talking about other matters; one of the students kept parking in one of the teacher's parking spaces and it was becoming a problem. I thanked them for the interview and turned to leave.

    When I woke up this morning, I looked at my alarm clock and the number was just turning to 1 minute before my alarm would go off. I smiled. My dreams seemed to give me everything I needed to help me with the day and then I awake just before my alarm goes off feeling rested and happy. I feel prepared for my test and I feel a little better about the career I'm studying for.

    It was a good night

    Breathing under water

    by apurtell on 01-23-2013 at 05:04 PM
    This dream started with me lying in bed. I wasn't sleeping so I got out of bed and tried to walk down the hall. I felt a little dizzy, kind of like when you get up too fast or you're not fully awake yet, so it was difficult to walk at first. I think it was this feeling that made me really look around at the situation. Everything was dimly lit so it had a bluish grey quality, but I could still see well. As I started down the hallway I suddenly knew I was dreaming.

    I was excited at my discovery at first and it felt like it might slip away, so I concentrated on keeping calm. The hallway I was walking down was very wide and made of stairs that gradually went down. The stairs were so wide that I would walk maybe four feet before I would step down the next one. There was a small landing and it turned the other direction still heading down. Since they were so wide, and I knew I was dreaming now, I decided to try to fly down them since it would be faster and more fun. I kind of lifted my feet up and spread out my arms but I only succeeded in floating down closer to the stairs and having to walk again. I remember thinking that I must not really believe I could do it or it would have happened.

    Since I still felt a little fragile (might lose lucidity) I stopped on a landing a little way down and just tried to meditate for a while. I closed my eyes while standing and just concentrated on my breathing for a short while. I always do this with my palms facing forward for some reason but it seems to help. After a few moments I felt more secure in lucidity and moved on.

    Looking around I realized that this area was all outside, which might be why everything seemed dimly lit. I didn't see any specific lights anywhere, but sometimes you can see outside when it's night. It's hard to remember details now (I had this dream around 3:00 am and didn't write it down right away) but I remember a bunch of different platforms and similar stairs. There were many different directions you could go. Off in the distance a short way I saw a pool of water. It was very clear, blue and clean, and it was lit from within so it really stood out in the darkness. I think there may have been some trees around it or something; anyway, it looked very inviting and I wanted to get there.

    I walked down the stairs again in that direction and eventually had to start back up again to get to the pool. I tried to envision each step taking me closer faster and it worked really well again like it did in my last LD. When I finally got to it, the light was out in the pool. Everything was so dark I could barely see in front of me. I laid down and put my hand in the place where I thought the water would be and it felt really warm. I just laid there moving my hand around in the water and wondering if I should get in. I wanted to, but everything had gone dark and I've never really liked getting into water that I can't see the bottom of.
    I decide to go in anyway. I know it's a dream and I had seen how clear and clean it had looked, and I just feel compelled to go into this water.

    Since the water is flush with the ground (an in-ground pool) I kind of just push myself in from my belly. It feels really warm and nice in the pool. I let myself float further down and then turn myself around so I can see the top of the water. The dim light has returned above so I can see the water rippling above me. It looks really pretty. Since it's a dream I know I should be able to breath down here so I try it and it and I can breath fine. I let myself float all the way to the bottom of the pool and just lay there on my back looking up at the top of the water. It feels so nice and quite down here, and everything looks so pretty that I decide to stay awhile. For some reason I get the feeling that someone is looking for me and maybe I should go above, but a deeper feeling knows I should stay. I can hear myself breathing and feel the water supporting my body all around me. Everything is so calm and peaceful and I don't think of anything, I just float there for what seems like a long time.

    After a while I see lights above and know that the person looking for me is above. There seem to be two people, I think it was a guy and a girl. They look down in the water at me and I know they must think I'm dead because I've been down here so long. It's difficult for me not to laugh since I know I can breath just fine. I decide to just lay there and let them think what they will for a moment. One of them jumps in to get me and before they can get any distance I can't help myself from smiling and laughing. They look surprised and stop their decent in the water and just look at me. I just keep laughing and I come up out of the water.

    I think I lose lucidity at this point because I don't remember much more. I remember seeing a jeep that belonged to the girl, it's what they drove up in. There was a windy dirt road that lead up to the pool. It was still night but seemed a little brighter like it might be dawn soon. Otherwise, that's the last thing I remember.

    Otherworldy beings force peace on earth

    by apurtell on 01-20-2013 at 05:55 PM
    The first dream I remember is only a small part. I was at a funeral with my husband and everyone was very serious and quiet. They were serving cake and my husband cut a bigger slice for himself because he was excited about eating this cake. He put it on a paper plate and someone warned him to put it on a thicker plate before he picked it up but he didn't listen. As soon as he picked it up it fell off his plate to the floor. I'm not sure why but I thought this was so hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing. I was laughing so hard I was crying, and even though I knew it was inappropriate for the atmosphere, I really couldn't stop laughing! I actually woke myself up because I was laughing slightly in my sleep.

    When I fell back to sleep I had a dream that I was at my dad's farm (my dad has never had a farm, and the man in my dream wasn't anything like my real dad). He lived there alone so I don't know what was suppose to have happened to my mom. Anyway, a large group of friends were there with me for some event (which I can't remember now). I remember it had something to do with my dad because I was looking for him; I knew he had to be somewhere on the property. Somehow I knew he wasn't there, but my dream self kept looking for him anyway. I didn't want to start whatever it was we were doing without him.

    I went to go in the house with two other people to look for him there and the weather shifted. It got really windy, but I don't remember the trees moving or anything. It was hard to open the front door the wind was so strong and we were fighting to get inside. I hoped everyone further in the yard could make it inside too but I didn't see how they would be able to. I wanted to help them but I knew there was nothing I could do.

    We finally made it inside and when we looked out the windows on either side of the house (two sides like East/West or North/South, not sure which) both horizons were red like they were burning with fire. It was dark outside so it was easy to see this fiery red color coming up on either side. We knew it was coming closer and I couldn't think of what could create such a thing, but it was scary to think about. I felt like we were going to die, but I tried to remain calm and do what I could to be safe. I didn't really know where the safest place to be was, though, since I'd never seen anything like this before.

    One of the friends that came in with me started freaking out about her brother and his friends being in the basement and they needed to be upstairs. She was nearly hysterical. I didn't even give myself time to think, I just started running to the basement stairs to get them. On the way down it started getting darker and the walls seemed to get narrower and I really started getting scared. What if I got trapped down here? I kept having this image of the walls caving in on me and being trapped and I knew I had a long way to go to reach them so I turned around and went back upstairs. I was a little ashamed that I didn't try harder to reach them, but I didn't want to share their fate if they got trapped underground.

    When I got back upstairs everyone that had been outside was in the house now. They were all worried and huddling in different areas of the house. We must have been there for a while because people were getting hungry. Since it was my dad's house and I knew where everything was, I tried finding food for them. For some reason the food was in the highest cabinets in the kitchen and I wasn't tall enough to reach them, so I had to pull out drawers to use as a ladder to get up to it. I pulled down some lunch meat and other food items (somehow still good even though not refrigerated) for people to eat. I started crawling on a ledge by the ceiling to get to other cabinets and I could see that the red color was closer in the windows. It was daylight now but the glow was still really bright and getting closer. As I was up there I heard a deep rumbling sound and I asked everyone to be quiet so I could hear what it was. Someone even unplugged the refrigerator so I could have complete silence. Being that high I was able to hear what that red glow sounded like. I didn't know if it was suppose to be voices or something else, but it sounded like a bunch of low/baritone voices letting out one continuous "ahhhh" or "mmmmmm" sound (something between those two sounds?). Almost like a chant or meditative sound, but it was a little eerie since I didn't know what it was.

    I don't remember what happened in between, but at some point they were at the farm house. I don't remember a very good picture of what they looked like, but I have a vague feeling of them being very large, round, and unsmooth for lack of a better word (not hairy or spikey, but not smooth). I vaguely remember seeing them lined up in a row (inside that red glow) coming towards us from a distance from the windows, but once they were there it was more just a feeling of their presence since I never really saw them otherwise.

    I remember watching a little girl talk to them. She was maybe about 7 or so and had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was holding something but I can't remember what it was (maybe a doll or something?). Anyway, she was standing by a mirror to communicate with them. She would look at them to talk to them (there was nothing at the place she would look at when she talked to them) and when they would talk to her she would turn to face the mirror and talk to herself. I knew they were talking through her since they couldn't talk directly to her. They would more or less take over her body in a way and have her face herself in the mirror and speak so she was speaking to herself (her voice never changed, so it always sounded like her voice). When they were finished, she would turn and address them behind her with an answer to their question. She didn't seem afraid so much as just unsure of the situation.

    Then it jumps to me being outside and these beings have been there for some time. The world is a little chaotic and change is everywhere. I was walking alone and I was a little afraid/unsure of everything. I was scared of all of the change and wondering how things were going to be. I was also worried about my own thoughts.

    Apparently these beings were here to stay and they wanted us to be a peaceful people since they were peaceful. They were very slow and methodical in their work. Anyone that tried to harm them or anyone else instantly died. It wasn't a gory or painful death that I remember, it's like they just stopped living. There were mounds of dirt all over by this city full of dead bodies (mass graveyards). I was afraid that if I had a negative thought toward somebody they might kill me too. I din't think that's how it worked, I think it was true harmful intent that they wouldn't tolerate, and deep down I knew this, but I still worried about it a little. I remember seeing someone pick up a gun with intent to kill these beings and they suddenly just fell over dead. I knew they could just take over your body so there was no possible way to fight back. I remember thinking the only people left alive would be people that were inherently peaceful/good and people that could change/adapt to being peaceful/good. This seemed it should be a good thing, but I didn't feel very good about it. It seemed strange that they would go around killing people that weren't peaceful...that wasn't a very peaceful way to act. I also felt that some of those people picking up guns to fight were just scared so their intent to kill was just in self defense, so it's not like they would normally have harmful intention. It didn't feel right.

    That was the last thing I remember, having that thought and wondering if I was going to be ok.

    "One more thing" wished for comes true

    by apurtell on 01-18-2013 at 04:28 PM
    I woke up this morning and started to fall back to sleep. I tried to think that I would have a lucid dream. I know I started to see pictures in my head, and before I knew it I was walking down a hallway repeating "I'll know when I'm dreaming." Suddenly I realized what I was saying and where I was at...I knew I was dreaming!

    I was walking down a hallway with hardwood floors and large green rugs covering most of the floor room area. The hardwood could only be seen around the edges. There were a lot of doorways leading into other rooms and they were the same way, but they were all empty. I brought my face down to the carpet to feel/smell the carpet and it felt/smelled like brand new carpet. Everything looked really clean. I touched the wall and it felt like a wall. It felt a little fragile (my awareness) so I kept trying to hold onto my surroundings so I wouldn't fall into a regular dream (lose my awareness).

    The dream kind of split into 3 different dreams in a way. I seemed to lose my way, but I always knew I was dreaming, so it lasted quite a while. Anytime I started to feel myself drift it was because I would get excited at the fact that I knew I was dreaming and I would stop what I was doing and focus on my breath to collect myself and just take in everything around me to solidify it and it worked; I maintained lucidity (for the parts I remember).

    Anyway, I was walking this hallway looking for people I might or might not know. Once again there wasn't anybody around. I would call out names and try to expect to see them around the next corner, but it just felt so desolate and nobody was around. I started to get a little frustrated since this is what happened a while back and I stopped trying to lucid because it was so boring.

    As I was walking I noticed the scenery was changing. The rooms I passed and the hallway I was in was getting more detailed. I started to pay attention to that instead of looking for people because it was really getting beautiful. I realized those once empty rooms were full of stuff now. Intricate and beautifully crafted lights hanging from vaulted ceilings, big cushy couches with elegant designs, artwork painted on every wall, ect.. No matter where I looked there was so much to see! It looked kind of ritzy but really warm, inviting and comfortable at the same time. Every room I looked into was so amazingly beautiful. They now had big arched doorways to look into and so much to see!

    I thought to enter different rooms but kept walking until I came to a room with a glass door. It was a shorter door so I had to bend down to look into it. The door was framed in molded, black cast iron or something, and there were designs in the cast iron. There was glass in the middle so I could see in the room and it looked like a fairy tale inside. It was very vivid at the time, but I've lost some of the details. It looked like it was outside in a way, so I'm not sure if it was inside or outside. There was a very pale woman lying on the ground with her eyes closed. There was an animal present too and that's what I can't remember. I get the feeling it wasn't a real creature (maybe some kind of large white bird you could ride or a unicorn or something?) but I do know that it was white and the ground and this woman were covered in big, white, soft feathers. They looked like big downy feathers they were so light and soft looking. I crawled through the doorway to get inside and crawled over to this lady. She was beautiful in a surreal way. She was very thin and almost inhuman looking, with no wrinkles or creases in her skin and almost white she was so pale. For a flicker of an instant I almost got scared. I suddenly thought, what if the dream shifted and she opened her eyes and looked like she wanted to hurt me? I dismissed this idea quickly though so I wouldn't make it true. I reached out and held her hand, and when I did she finally did open her eyes and look at me. I felt no fear. She was very peaceful. I don't remember if she said anything right away, but somehow I knew I could make a wish with her. I asked her if I could ask her for a wish and she said that I could and she would do what she could to help make it happen. This didn't mean it would come true, but she would try. I won't tell you my wish (like a birthday wish, I still want it to come true!), but I will say I was kind of ashamed for what it was. She just smiled and made me feel the wish was fine. It made me feel better about it. At some point I had let go of her hand and I must have walked to the other side of her because I remember being on the other side of her and bending down to where she lay again. I asked her if I could ask for one more thing and she asked what it was. I asked if I could find someone I know and she smiled and said that they wouldn't mind seeing me here (in a way that made me feel that they would really like seeing me here). For some reason when I asked I put my head to her head and thought of people I knew as if that would help her to know who I knew, but afterward I knew this had been silly; she could read my mind well enough.

    I don't remember leaving this lady, only that I did. At this point my memory gets a little hazy. I remember walking the halls again and I must have decided to go outside to look for someone because I saw a group of people playing basketball on a small hill. I walked up to them and didn't recognize them but I asked them if they knew where I could find people I might know (still lucid). I'm pretty sure they said they didn't. They continued to play basketball.

    I was back walking the hallways again and they were back to being empty again, only this time it didn't feel so empty. I knew I would find people. One of the doorways ahead looked much larger, more like an entire wall would be missing to an open room and I knew that's where I would find my friends. The room was on my left and I turned into it and sure enough there were about 3 or 4 people in the room that I recognized. The lady had granted my "one more thing!" They didn't look like the people they were suppose to look like, but I knew who they were. They were sitting on a couch in the middle of the room talking. I walked over to the couch and sat next to a friend of mine and just laid my head on their shoulder to snuggle. They looked surprised to see me and smiled, putting their arm around me and holding me back. It just felt really nice to be there. We talked but I can't remember what about now. I remember them saying they were happy to see me and couldn't believe I was there, but otherwise I just remember feeling cozy and being happy to be surrounded by people I knew.

    It gets hazy again here, which is why I said there were 3 different aspects to this dream because it made sense and then gets hazy and then changes scene before it makes sense again. I don't think I was completely lucid in between these times but it came back to me (I had to keep trying to maintain it).

    Now I remember walking down the street of a town I used to live in (lucid again). I knew I had been at the grocery store (actually I suddenly remember purchasing a bunch of things...bones for my dogs, food for dinner...and someone being angry with me that I was at the checkout too long, and it wasn't lucid). Anyway, I was lucid again and on foot walking down this road and I knew my destination was a house ahead. I had been in a car but I didn't know what had happened to it. I saw other cars passing with people in them and thought of hitch hiking so I could get there faster (wasn't sure how much longer I would be lucid) but I wasn't sure where they would take me, and I wanted to know what was in this house.

    I tried envisioning myself getting there faster. I would look down and think I'd gone a long way and when I looked up I was closer! I did this a few times until I was at the house. It was two story and kind of victorian looking in a way? It had a large porch and a peaked roof. I think parts of it were trimmed in black designs.

    I walked up onto the porch and felt my lucidity beginning to wander so I had to breath real slow again and focus on the details of the house (which I can't remember a lot of now). I was facing the door and looking at the deck and banister around me. When I finally felt more "there" I went up to the door and went inside.

    It felt really small inside, or I felt too big for the house at first. I was on a landing above the rest of the house looking down and into a big living area. The landing had black, cast iron looking hand rails with some posts that went to the ceiling. There was no electricity in this house. There could have been but the people that lived there liked fire better. There were 3 huge fire pit areas, with huge fires burning inside of them lighting up the room. There were also dots of fire throughout the living area that I took as candles. I think there were only 2 people in the room and I started to walk down a set of stairs made in that same black cast iron. There were hand rails to hold onto as I went down. I remember talking to one person but not what was said. He was a huge black man, very overweight but light on his feet. I remember him being very friendly and feeling comfortable around him, but not what we talked about. I think I must have lost lucidity at this point because I can't seem to remember anymore.

    When I woke up the clock said 8:30 am.

    Updated 01-18-2013 at 04:37 PM by apurtell
