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    I'm insane, love to write, enjoy reading, Star Trek and geeky stuff, I love Torchwood, having a laugh and dreaming.
    Writing, reading. Graphics.
    College student studying I.T.
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    View bassairmoon's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Being a Mom

    by bassairmoon on 07-24-2010 at 02:17 PM
    [Dream in blue.]
    [Lucid in red.]
    [Nightmare in pink.]
    [Non-dream in normal.]

    I'm going to start making more of an effort, I swear. Although, I've had around 4 lucids lately. Forgotten them now, but ah, well. I had a stressful few weeks.

    The last dream I recall clearly was one I had a few days ago. I was a mom, with a daughter of 6 or 7 months. I was fiercely protective of her, although, she had no name that I recall (Lennie? Maybe??). I had to keep changing her, but I didn't mind.

    Her diapers were made of Lavitera leaves - a plant I'm allergic to - but even that didn't stop me.

    I left her with Joy, our neighbour, briefly, and rushed to her side when I got back.

    I was so attached and when I woke up I almost cried. Spent the next two days longing to be a mother.

    I'm 17. Wtf!
    non-lucid , memorable

    A few dream fragments

    by bassairmoon on 06-27-2010 at 02:56 PM
    [Dream in blue.]
    [Lucid in red.]
    [Nightmare in pink.]
    [Non-dream in normal.]


    I was in my computer room with my mom and we were talking about something. I can't remember what. Then I said, "I'll show you!" I closed my eyes, opened them again, clapped my hands and something appeared (I don't know what). My mom asked how I did it and I said I lucid dreamed and made it appear! She was all impressed but when I tried again I failed due to the false awakening


    I was moving away to college, moving into a dorm. Again, I don't remember much, but I remember that once I moved in, my dorm was about the size of our downstairs toilet. Which is about four foot by six foot. And I was being dripped on because the roof was damp and wet.


    For some reason, I'm playing the Sims 3. And one of my sims was writing, but didn't use the computer. Instead, he wrote by hand and there were all these pieces of paper on his bedside table. But the publisher wouldn't have it and demanded he wrote it less fragmentedly on the computer.



    by bassairmoon on 06-20-2010 at 04:33 PM
    [Dream in blue.]
    [Lucid in red.]
    [Nightmare in pink.]
    [Non-dream in normal.]

    I don't remember much, because the annoyance of my almost-lucid cum completely-missed-lucid kinda overshadowed everything else.

    I'm in my bathroom, doing my hair. I've done it as a ponytail on the top of my head, but I forgot to scrape it back, so I had a weird parting and it looked really dumb.

    So, annoyed, I bent over to start shaking out my hair, in the hopes of my ponytail being better.

    I paused, suddenly, looked up at the sink and myself in the mirror and thought, "Am I dreaming by any chance?"

    I didn't think to actually do a reality check, because I've only just started wondering about dreaming while in a dream. Hopefully reality checks will come soon.

    Anyway, I decided I wasn't ready and continued to... get ready for it... prepare for my Glee performance. I was Rachel Berry. Oh yeah. I missed that level of dreamsigns.

    I remember something about missing the van to regionals as well, but it's all faded now.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Bodyswap, Alton Towers and a SPACESHIP :D

    by bassairmoon on 06-18-2010 at 02:26 PM
    [Dream in blue.]
    [Lucid in red.]
    [Nightmare in pink.]
    [Non-dream in normal.]

    Dream #1: Bodyswap.

    I don’t remember much, because it was my first dream of the night and I had a fraught morning, but, what I do remember, is that Jen (who lives 300~ miles away) and I bodyswapped. I’m not sure why, exactly, though, because we bodyswapped into dolls, but continued to be human-like.

    I do, however, remember this:

    I’m on MSN with her, with a bodyswap device in my hand, ready to swap back into my body (which she’s sporting) and give her hers back (which I’m sporting). I tell her I’m just setting it up to go and she asks why. I say because we were meant to be sleeping together tonight and I was hoping to have sex with her [but even if she’s down there in my body, and I’m up here in hers... it doesn’t really count.]

    She says she’s happy in my body for the night and we should swap back and my parents should come fetch her tomorrow. I say but I really wanted to sleep with her and I say I’m going to do it. So I turn to my dad and I say that I’m going to swap back now and he needs to go fetch me in a minute. He says I can’t do that tonight and to stick with the body I’ve got.

    I’m about to start having a go at him
    , when I wake up.

    Dream #2: Alton Towers

    I’m at Alton Towers for some really strange reason. I think I’m there with college. And then, because I’m not enjoying myself anymore, I get on the coach to go home, even though it about five hours too early. The coach driver says he’ll go around in circles because he can’t stay at Alton Towers. I say okay.

    Next thing I know, Luke’s on the coach with me, on the seat next to me. The ventilation is open overhead and there’s a nice breeze coming in. I ask what he’s doing here and he says he was bored. I say okay. He asks where the coach is going and I tell him it’s going round in circles. He says he wants to go back to Alton Towers and I say I don’t know whether it’ll go back there, but it doesn’t matter, because we live next door to each other [we do] and if the coach takes us home, he’ll get home too.

    I get a response much like, “Fair dues.” and we carry on sitting next to each other in comfortable silence. Then I wake up.

    Dream #3: Spaceship.

    This was the best dream I’ve had in a while.

    I’m on a spaceship, with a pregnant Amy Pond [from Doctor Who] and two other men [who we’ll call Man #1 and Man #2 to avoid utter confusion on my part]. I’m in the ventilation shafts [like Jeffrey’s Tubes from Star Trek], which are shining blue and are a little bit too small.

    The floor is gridded, but it doesn’t hurt to be sat on or crawl across and it’s pretty light, so I can see where I am.

    I’m on a pillow, so I think I’ve been sleeping here, and Amy is near me. We talk about something, but I’m not sure what, and I notice there’s a book or two nearby, but I don’t take note of the titles. I’ve been there a while, but I’m not sure why. I’m part of the crew, though.

    I crawl through the tunnels until I reach the main area, where I find out from Man #1 that the transport pod, used to navigate through the tunnels, has been ejected, leaving us with a gaping hole with no air.

    I decide to test this, so I grab a remote, crawl through the tunnels and emerge into an enormous glass area. I can see space through the glass, but I can’t see how high the glass is. I point the remote upwards and press the button, knowing I’m going to die if it goes wrong.

    This object illuminates high up; it’s shaped like a bauble
    but made of golden lights. I grin and shout to the others that it’s safe to come out.

    They shout at me, because I was an idiot. I shrug because I don’t care.

    Next thing I know, I’m at the top of this pillar thing in the middle of the gigantic room, about 60ft or so in the air. It’s tall and thin, branching out four ways at the top and I’m sat on one of the four, straddling it and pulling plastic covers off the main spike in front of me, revealing information inside. I find out that the captain (deceased) didn’t like books, excluding about five. Because of his fondness for these five books, he allowed them on board. They were listed, and I thought they were boring.

    The next plastic cover reveals, in the captain’s voice, that he had taken the bauble pod thing to get away. I don’t know why.

    Suddenly, the spoke I’m sat on gives way and I start to fall, but I grab on to the main bit and shout for help. Man #2 reaches out and helps me clamber onto the second spoke. Man #1, far below, is flicking through some manuals and commenting on them. He’s boring me, so I start looking through the plastic things again, while Man #1 talks to me. I don’t remember the conversation.

    After I’ve been through the second plastic things, that spoke gives way, but I manage to clutch on to the top of the colemn and stop myself from falling, but my legs are dangling and I start screaming for help, but the two men ignore me.

    I reckon they would have caught me eventually, but I’ll never know because I woke up.

    All in all, I missed a bunch of dream signs; bodyswapping, Alton Towers, spaceships, Jen, Amy Pond, Doctor Who, Star Trek, claustrophobia... But oh whatever. I'll do better next time. Although that spaceship dream would have been EPIC lucid.

    Updated 06-18-2010 at 05:03 PM by bassairmoon

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes

    Dad tried to kill me in my dream.

    by bassairmoon on 06-16-2010 at 03:09 AM
    [Dream in blue.]
    [Lucid in red.]
    [Nightmare in pink.]
    [Non-dream in normal.]

    I'd love to know why I have to start my dream journal with a friggin' nightmare, but ah, well. Whatever.

    I'm in my kitchen, angry and upset. My dad and I... we're yelling at each other for something. I've done something he thinks is wrong. Mom's upset too, but I'm barely paying any attention to her, only to my dad and how pissed he is.

    I'm not sure what we're yelling about, but we're both getting madder and madder and madder... And then my dad lashes out. He grabs my throat with his hand (big, big hands, which is strange because my dad's hands aren't that big) and starts to squeeze. I can still remember feeling his hand closing in around my throat. It was so real. And I was suddenly terrified.

    He stops yelling now, but he's still squeezing, and I'm choking and I can't breathe. He tells me off, quietly, and angrily. Mom's gone now. I don't know where she went.

    Next thing, I'm in my bedroom, and my dad comes in. He says he wants to talk to me, but he doesn't look much like he's repenting, more like he wants round two. I tell him sure, and that he should sit on my bed. When he tries to close the door, I ask him not to. I want it left open.

    He sits down on my bed on the side closest to the window, and we start talking. I barely remember what we're saying. Then, when he gets angry again, he reaches out, puts his hand on my throat and says something about what he's doing. I ask if he's going to strangle me or something, completely terrified at this point and he says, "No. You're lucky I don't just break your neck."

    This dream has stayed with me so much. It's horrible. I trust him, I'm just having vile flashbacks and when he touched my neck to kiss me on the cheek to say goodnight, I had to try so hard not to move away.

    Please, let me have better dreams tonight. -.-
    non-lucid , nightmare