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    View BCerney's Dream Journal

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    by BCerney on 07-30-2010 at 11:57 PM
    Dream from a nap I took in the evening:

    I'm camping with Katey, Robbie, and Paul. I believe we are somewhere out near Mt. Toro. It's dark, and we are running around the campsite. At one point I almost run and jump into a coyote and nearly have a heart attack. There is another family at the campsite, though they are not with us.
    I'm driving my dad's car from the backseat. I have little control over the car, but I continue to drive. I look in the rearview mirror and see an individual's midsection; I can't tell if they are running after me or not. Before reaching a highway intersection I successfully pull the car over.


    by BCerney on 07-30-2010 at 11:58 AM
    This dream was a long one, but my recollection of it was all over the place. A few notes worth mentioning:
    - I, along with my friends Alex and Robbie, are out in what feels like the middle of nowhere. The area includes: Midwest American farmland, a scary forest, and a house. The house is occupied by a man who my friends and I are associating with and his stepmom (no recollection/mention of his father).
    - There is a giant, spider-like bug out in the field. For whatever reason, we set out to go camp on top of the bug. To get to the bug from the house, one must go through the scary forest. Inside the forest we encounter both spiders and monkeys, and are forced to run away/defend ourselves at times. The dangers of the forest make us weary of returning to the giant bug at one point.
    - Robbie and I are outside of the forest, debating whether to try and navigate it again so that we can reach the giant bug. Eventually a spaceship materializes, one that would allow us to fly and land on the bug. I see the bug scurry across farmland in the distance. After this Alex and the other guy meet up with us. They have aged, now looking like old men. The other guy says his mom is pissed at him for the college he chose to attend, which I also happen to attend.


    by BCerney on 07-30-2010 at 11:36 AM
    I, along with three of my friends, am fighting a guy. Though I don't remember clearly seeing a face, emotionally I recognize this guy as the current romantic interest of an ex-girlfriend. We are wearing mechanized suits, a la Iron Man. Being that it's 3-on-1, we are beating him up pretty badly. I notice that the appearance of our target is changing; he first transforms into my friend Armand, then my friend Bradley.
    I'm walking down an alley. To my right are four arcade machines. One was definitely Metal Slug, one was a shooting game, and I think one may have been Puzzle Bobble. The set-up reminds me of the arcade room at a pizza place in my hometown.

    Updated 07-30-2010 at 12:16 PM by BCerney

    dream fragment


    by BCerney on 07-29-2010 at 08:59 PM
    Two dream fragments:
    - Myself and a few other guys were fighting our friend Carl, who is an OL in NFL. We fought in a wrestling ring surrounded by a steel cage. Carl beat us without much effort; after the match he was talking smack with a cool, calm, and confident demeanor.
    - I'm backstage at what feels like some sort of contest/competition. I see some of the other competitors and start hamming it up, doing wacky dances and pointing at everyone as I enter the room. I eventually start doing some breakdance moves in an effort to impress one of the girls who I found particularly cute. I'm spinning on the ground and eventually find that I'm sliding around on the ground as if there were absolutely no friction. I end up sliding through some doors and around a pillar, shouting "Still going!" the entire time.
    dream fragment

    Review: 7/17/10-7/24/10

    by BCerney on 07-24-2010 at 10:40 PM
    1st week of DJ:
    - 0 lucid dreams
    - 5 dreams recalled
    - 2 dream fragments recalled
    - 0 reality check attempts
    - 0 dream sign recognitions

    Comments: I definitely recalled more dreams than I'm used to. I've also been able to focus much better upon awaking, allowing me to recall events from dreams even when they aren't that vivid. Still nothing close to self-awareness while dreaming. My reality checks during the day are improving, so maybe I'll see some progress this next week.
    side notes