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    About Bisch
    New York
    rugby, thinking, bars
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    “Will not a man who has seen nothing but the shadows of reality, not feel fear when exposed to the light?"


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    by Bisch on 01-04-2011 at 03:43 AM
    Some hotel I see one of the kids from work KL getting into the elevator, I got on the elevator with him and someone else I don’t know that was talking to me. Later I go to something like a fair, the parking guy was a dick, and spent the whole dream trying to find somewhere to park.

    I'm at work the office is in a different place, I'm sitting on a couch and watching some small broken TV, my fingers feel like they have frostbite and they are a little blue (hmmm they looked pretty normal other than that), two girls sit next to me and start rolling a joint, and another person tell them this is not a good place to do that.

    Lots of stressful images of transistors going through my head

    poor door count

    Nothing Much

    by Bisch on 01-02-2011 at 04:23 PM
    Buying this really comfortable chair with wheels and springs from a car dealership
    New years party


    Nap Dream 12/30/10

    by Bisch on 12-31-2010 at 03:59 PM
    Dream about having lucid dreams… so someone in my dream challenged me to have a lucid dream at beach and to see what happens when you have 11 towels. So I walk to this area and there is a hot tub and a sand box so I’m guessing this is the beach where I’m supposed to have 11 towels so I lay down in this chair that is also part of the hot tub to fall asleep… But I can’t fall asleep. People I don’t know start showing up and distracting me. Before the people make it over by me I realize I’m wearing boxers, so I put on my bathing suit that happened to be floating in the water. Of the people that showed up I only recognized my mom, and she asks me how the hot tub is.

    Side Note: Missed 25 Doors
    non-lucid , side notes

    Just some peices

    by Bisch on 12-30-2010 at 09:44 PM
    At a bar some guy goes to the hospital, there was suspicion of why he had to go, maybe he a was poisoned
    Something about getting a job, reading something about planning school

    Hmm I feel like I didn't really get into a deep sleep last night my room was really bright and the phone kept ringing, I'm gonna see if a sleep mask might help out.

    Side Note: Missed 31 doors
    dream fragment , side notes

    A couple of bits and pieces

    by Bisch on 12-30-2010 at 01:41 AM
    I entered a classroom and sat down at my desk with a computer in front of me, the teacher comes by and picks up a piece of duct tape (I used duct tape to fix a chair at work two nights ago) on my desk and reads the writing on it. He says something like, "This is it?" I'm a little confused, but come to the conclusion that because I was a couple minutes late to class I missed an announcement where he said our projects (a powerpoint which I had finished) needed to be out on our desk by the time he made it around. He said that I failed the project and that I could not pass the class. I'm thinking something like "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" and I said something like, "This is bullshit! I have my project done, I just missed what you said at the beggining of the class!!" And the teacher said, "To bad, you can't pass" This to me means that I would have to stay another semester at school. So I flip my desk over, and knock over this open windex bottle and and leave the classroom.

    I was holding this pot and it was leaking water, and the person next to me that I didn't recognize says that he fixed the pot and that it shouldn't be leaking

    Later I'm at this restaurant with people that seem familiar but I don't recognize and water starts leaking from my finger tips. (I'm thinking maybe this has something to do with my broken sink faucet that only trickles out water when you turn it on)

    I was at work and getting one of the kids ready for breakfast and there was some confusion as to who I should be watching, also there were kids wandering where they shouldn't be.

    I find myself riding up a steep grass hill on a road bike, so it was very difficult. And I see one of the kids from work DS ride past me on their bike, which I thought was funny.

    Side Note: Missed doors: 40 This was about 50%