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    Particularly vivid dream

    by blowuptheking on 08-07-2011 at 04:43 AM
    Let me preface this by saying I *think* it was a lucid dream. I recall knowing I was dreaming, but didn't even think about attempting to manipulate the dream. Either way, it was very vivid. I also took 200 mg of B6 prior to bed (11:30 or so) and had this dream after a failed WILD between 5:00 and 7:30 AM. Lastly, I'm not entirely sure on the continuity of the dream (what took place when) as all I could remember are fragments from different scenes.

    In my dream, I found myself in an area that was a mix of suburbia and country. In this area was a club, which hosted the first scene.
    I walk into the lower portion of the club. It's dimly lit, but I see an island counter-top and 2 medium-sized, old-school refrigerators. I open one fridge and take some food out. The fridge has a few things in it, mostly sweets, including one candy that looks like it might be mint Reese's. A child is there and asks me what there is to eat. I open the fridge back up to see that the food I took has been replaced. I also open a pantry door to see that it's also moderately stocked and notice a pack of Red Vines. I tell her that it's mostly just candy.

    I walk upstairs to the main portion of the club. There are people dancing to typical club music, but I walk past them to where 2 couples are sitting and talking. I don't remember what they said, but I recall the girl closest to me had shoulder-length, red, almost pink hair.

    I walk outside to see an older lady (probably in her 50-60s) with gray hair. She may have been carrying groceries. I know she is the woman in charge of the city/area I'm in. So I stop her and ask her a few things. First, I ask if I am dreaming. She laughs and assures me that I am. Because she knows the area, she tells me that there are places here that I shouldn't go. She says that a long walk from the main area are the "Walls of " something (Absolution, I believe). She says that I shouldn't go over them as terrible things would happen to me outside.

    I continued on my way, down a street with short buildings lining it. There is a street to the left with a blue vault door at the end of it. The door takes up the entire face of the building. The vault has a faint golden light coming from inside it. There are police or someone guarding it and people gather at the intersection of my street and the vault street to watch. I know that this vault is one of the places I should not go, so I continue walking. I also think about how it feels like I have stayed there a long time.

    In the last scene, I come up an open elevator to a deck overlooking a lake. It looks similar to one I have at my house, but I remember thinking, "Close, but it's just a little off." I looked over the railing of the deck to the water to see a man (probably in his mid 50s) swimming with his granddaughter. I looked out across the lake and heard the voice of the lady in charge in my head say. She said she didn't think they would ever need a weapons cache (maybe also a food bank), but "painters who were given a word instead painted a volleyball court." I believe that meant that some lucid dreamers with control or creators (painters) were meant only to change (paint) a small portion of the area, but instead changed a large portion of the area. After this, I turned and walked up the stairs behind me. At the top of the stairs were several boxes resembling drink coolers. This was the weapons cache. I opened up one of the coolers and took out a spacey-looking laser pistol.
    Then I woke up.
    lucid , memorable