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    About Bopoha
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    I am a soul wearing a body.
    I listen to metal, love concerts, I have a girlfriend whom I plan on spending the rest of my life with.
    I believe in souls and reincarnation.
    I occasionally write poetry and dabble with tarot readings, especially while interpreting dreams.

    One of my goals- have a picnic with bae in all the prettiest places in the world!

    I am not cute.
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    Drawing, writing poems, creating in general
    Book Keeper at a smalltown pharmacy
    How you found us:
    I was searching for a community for people obsessed with dreaming like I am.


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    by Bopoha on 03-14-2016 at 10:45 PM
    I was with Kat (my girlfriend). For some reason this was wrong. Not to us, of course but to society, whether it was because of religion which doesn't feel likely or because of who we were in society and I feel like that's what it was. Kat and I were cuddling up on a platform somewhere and Am (my sister) was somewhere around. A girl started spraying us with a hose and I was so mad. We'd told her not to do that. Besides Am this girl was the only other person who knew about us. We didn't trust her but so far she hadn't told anyone. Except now we were irritated and she was tired of us. We made a dash for it, ran past her. We were all separated as we pushed through a crowd of people. This set off some kind of alarm, and the girl must have told the authorities. We were all herded up, the three of us and many many others. We were made to sit in a long row of green tents. They would, one by one, walk someone out. They would be brought to the girl, and if she recognized us we would be dead. We would literally be "put down." I was in the back of the first tent, dressed like Ruby (from the show RWBY). I was by a coat rack and took someone else's green coat, and put it over my easily recognized red and black outfit in a sad attempt to disguise myself. What I didn't expect was to be the first one called. I'm like, "Me? Are you sure?" I accepted fate then. I stepped onto the path. I knew there was no way out of this. I walked so slowly. I knew what I was doing. It just made me so sad. I stopped at one point and turned to look behind me. Kat had come out of hiding, and was standing at the start of the path, watching me. I wanted to wave goodbye to her, but I didn't know how. Then she ran ahead of me, to the house. Then Am came out of hiding as well, and she joined me as I marched to the house. When we got there I peeked through the open door and quietly called Kat's name. Then that girl appeared. She was thin and had naturally curly dark brown hair. And just the way she talked was so annoying. She must not have been any older than me. Amanda actually started talking back. She put her in her place. It was awesome to hear. And during this time Kat came out of the house to stand with me. Unphased, the girl said a few words and walked away. We were still all going to be put down.

    I don't recognize the girl as anyone I know.
    And I just found it strange and heartwarming that my sister would die with us.

    First Dream Journal Post- Father

    by Bopoha on 03-12-2016 at 08:36 PM
    This one is a little silly, but I was really excited to have a dream to post!

    I was my character- Cassus. I was with my friend (a girl, no one I know in the waking life) in a room the size of a small arena. Dark earth tones. We stood across from each other on either side of the room, and we were having an epic Yu-Gi-Oh duel. there was a dip in the floor between us where the holograms appeared. We played "monsters" that shouldn't even be in the game, like celebrities. I don't remember any monsters or moves actually played, until my friend drew the game changer. THOR. I yelled, "NO! NOT MY FATHER!" And on top of that she somehow equipped him with a field spell card. Long geometric stones shifted into slots and things glowed and suddenly Thor was swimming in black goo. His outfit also got darker. He gave a sinister laugh and I knew we were in trouble. He wasn't just a hologram, he wasn't part of the game. I knew we had to run. Or rather, fly. My friend couldn't fly, but somehow I could, using Cass' big gun. I wondered how my arms didn't get tired, carrying my friend with one arm, and holding onto the flying gun with the other. (Why didn't I just shoot Thor?) (Oh, probably because he's my father.) It was an epic and dangerous chase and we couldn't shake Thor, that is until we entered a kids' water park, where we lost him. I was watching myself as a child with friends from school. I wanted them to look at me and think, "Wow, you become THAT?" But they didn't seem too thrilled.
    non-lucid , memorable