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    About Bossalinni

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    About Bossalinni
    LD Count:
    caregiver and a cage fighter
    MMA, Video Games, Hallucinating
    How you found us:
    searching about lucid dreaming


    [x]Have a LD,[x]Get Stabilization undercontrol,[/]Controll My LDs well [ ] Meet my DG, [x]Fly,[ ] Fly fast!, [ ]Kick planets around, [/]Get a well charged Kamahamaha off(charged it up but it was kindof a dud lol),[ ] Seperate myself into good and evil,see which one i am in control off and fight the other to the death,[ ]Survive a Zombie apocalypse,[ ]Die in zombie apocalypse. reborn a zombie.[ ] Uproot a tree with my mind.


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    12-20-2011 10:16 PM
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    Page 1 of 2 1 2 LastLast
    1. Neptoid93
      Neptoid93 liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 11-27-2011, 07:49 AM
    2. Linkzelda41
      Linkzelda41 liked post by Bossalinni On thread : am I Doing MILD right?
      I would just like to recommend including VISUALIZATION with your mantras. Using mantras with visualizing is WAY more effective(I have an LD every night this way) Good idea to visualize would be...
      Liked On: 10-30-2011, 04:53 PM
    3. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Bossalinni On thread : Powerful mantras
      faceonmars if very correct, to tell ya the truth...My mantras hardly every work if i dont include visualization
      Liked On: 10-21-2011, 10:14 PM
    4. MikalMan
      MikalMan liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-20-2011, 12:03 AM
    5. G672
      G672 liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-18-2011, 05:01 PM
    6. StaySharp
      StaySharp liked post by Bossalinni On thread : Sleep Paralysis - Have you experienced it?
      I think its an amazing feeling, Not nearly as good as an LD. I do not fear sleep paralysis, and neither should anyone. People fear it because: People fear the unknown So know this: Everyone...
      Liked On: 10-18-2011, 11:37 AM
    7. ShadowOfSelf
      ShadowOfSelf liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-18-2011, 10:39 AM
    8. zoth00
      zoth00 liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-17-2011, 12:08 PM
    9. Quantiq
      Quantiq liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-17-2011, 11:28 AM
    10. Dthoughts
      Dthoughts liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-17-2011, 12:04 AM
    11. Mancon
      Mancon liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-16-2011, 11:01 PM
    12. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-16-2011, 10:59 PM
    13. Arch
      Arch liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-16-2011, 10:54 PM
    14. Erii
      Erii liked post by Bossalinni On thread : How I became a regualr LDer in 5 months
      Hello, I just wanted to share the steps I used to become a regular LDer in just a few months. Different things take different amounts of time for each individual so if dont get discouraged if you...
      Liked On: 10-16-2011, 10:28 PM
    15. BeeClock
      BeeClock liked post by Bossalinni On thread : Have you ever had Lucid dreams when your sick?
      I remember having allergies and going to bed witha stuffy nose Tried a plug the nose reality check and didnt become lucid lol
      Liked On: 10-14-2011, 02:01 PM
    Page 1 of 2 1 2 LastLast
    View Bossalinni's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries


    by Bossalinni on 05-12-2011 at 04:01 PM
    Me and my girlfriend were riding on a motoro cycle very fast as we were running from a police car. We were on an old country highway where it had a dropoff on each side of the road so there were railings all the way down it. The roads were still pretty busy.
    I was driving and it felt like and action movie. I looked back at my girl friend and the mood change instantly. from and action movie feeling to a calm relaxing feeling just by look at here. I knew this was weird maybe because i practice ADA. I asked her if she thought we were dreaming, not expecting to get a 'Yes' answer. but she said Yes. It shocked me for a second then i immediately becamse excited and knew i was dreaming. The world starting shaking and breaking apart. i could feel the dream drifting away. I felt like i was goin such fast pace that i couldnt think of something to do to keep my dream going... Luckily i saw a ramp ahead. I smiled and told my girlfriend to hang on. Racing through the falling apart world dropping below us we hit the ramp. We were air born!...well, for a second. The feeling of fear and butterflys entered my stomach as we started on the downward fall. i saw us both smiling right as i woke up in my bed, sweaty, with butterflys still in my stomach, and with a smile still on my face.

    Still not rememberng much

    by Bossalinni on 05-05-2011 at 12:59 PM
    Cant remember many dreasm still. today i just got up early to keep my mind awake for my first wild attempt...

    Met an old friend 4/30

    by Bossalinni on 05-02-2011 at 07:25 AM
    I hardly remember it... i was talking to a girl i knew from school named felicia. i went from talking to her to watch what appeared to be her and 2 other girls in my laptop doing a webblog maybe. she was also right next to me watching the vid too. i also recall seeing this dream before

    Went to GF's 4/28

    by Bossalinni on 05-02-2011 at 07:22 AM
    I arrived at my girlfriends house, i probably drove my car. her mom was waiting outside by her own car. we walked past her and went in the house right into the kitchen. my gf removed her pants...i woke up

    WoW dream 4/22

    by Bossalinni on 05-02-2011 at 07:20 AM
    Was playing Wow on my DK first person view, in orgrimmar by the auction house and bank...