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    1. BrandonTyberius
      BrandonTyberius liked post by Mancon On thread : What's worse? Nightmares or lucid nightmares?
      Regular nightmares for sure, due to the face that you think it's real when it's happening. In a lucid nightmare at least you know it's a dream.
      Liked On: 09-14-2011, 06:36 AM
    2. BrandonTyberius
      BrandonTyberius liked post by Ivan452 On thread : What's worse? Nightmares or lucid nightmares?
      As I mentioned in one other topic I had very scary lucid nightmare as a boy (6-7yo). Someone was always chasing me to hurt me. Basically I knew that I was dreaming, but I could not wake up and had...
      Liked On: 09-14-2011, 06:33 AM
    View BrandonTyberius's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Shapeshifting Animal

    by BrandonTyberius on 09-20-2011 at 02:35 AM
    I dreamed caught a mouse in a trap. I was going to let the dog play with the dead mouse but then I noticed the poor thing wasnt dead. So I took the trap and all outside and punched it hard a couple of times to crush the mouse. As I was trying to open the trap I noticed it still wasnt completely dead, it was twitching some. So I got a rock and crushed its head. Its blood was green. Then I opened the trap and dropped it out for the dog to play with.

    A couple of minutes later I saw that it had turned into a cat and it was alive and walking around but hurt! Btw I think our dog might have been a cat in this dream but cant remember for sure. Then later in the same dream my dad had the cat in his arms and he brought it in the house to show me and put the cat near my face and I was scared it would claw me to pieces, but it didnt claw me, maybe swatted at me a time or two. I think it had a bandage wrapping around its neck but cant remember for sure.
    non-lucid , memorable

    3 Dreams: Dog, Cloud, Vampire

    by BrandonTyberius on 09-17-2011 at 12:06 AM
    In the first dream a dog spoke to me, an entire sentence. I was surprised. Now I cant remember what she said.

    in another dream I was laying on a hay bale in my field, it was dusk I believe, looking up at the whisps of clouds. and I noticed one whisp of cloud moving very fast due west, then it made a sharp right and was moving due south and it didnt slow down. and then I saw another whip of clouds moving very fast. they did a small waver and there was a flash of light in the clouds followed a second later by a pop of thunder. I saw some smoke coming from the direction of the clouds the smoke covered me. I made it hard to see and I felt strange.

    in my last dream before I woke up I was tracking a vampire. tracking near my house. I saw two paths going through the woods and wasnt sure which he went down. I chose one and soon found it lead to this creepy old back woods cemetery where some of my family are buried. The Grim Reaper use to be visible at dusk on the one of the trees in this cemetery. as I was coming out of the woods to the cemetery I noticed this old rifle I was carrying had the barrel full of water. I doubted it would even fire. and if it did shoot how much damage would it do to a vampire. I was looking out through the cemetery but didnt see anything. I think thats when I woke up, I dont remember anything else.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Weird Mostly Lucid Dreams

    by BrandonTyberius on 09-14-2011 at 06:17 AM
    Today I had two semi-lucid dreams that were different from any dreams Ive had before. In the first dream I turned on the kitchen facet and the water pressure was low. I thought "I hope this is a dream" and I thought it probably was. I tried to increase the water by will. I imagined a strong flow but this seemed less real than the dream. As soon as I quit imagining the water pressure immediately returned to being low.

    In the second dream I put some CDs in a bag and left them on the street for some reason. When I came back I found they had been stepped on and some were broken. I was like "Damn! I hope this is a dream" and I thought it probably was a dream. But I wasnt sure though. Too bad I didnt bother to do some reality checks.

    These dreams were after I had gone back to bed after briefly being up. They occurred late in the afternoon.
    lucid , memorable

    Solar Adoration at Sunrise

    by BrandonTyberius on 08-28-2010 at 06:29 PM
    This morning I dreamed I saw the Sun rising through the woods that are north of my house. I believe I had actually woken up before this dream and saw it was dawn through the glass door. In my dream I was looking through this door and I could see the Sun through the woods, as if they were transparent, as it rose above the horizon. The disk of the Sun was bright crimson and it was surrounded by perfect blackness. As it rose I gave my the solar adoration for sunrise:

    Hail unto thee who art Kephre in thy rising,
    And unto thee who art Brahma in thy birth
    And even unto thee who are Zeus in thy ambition.
    Hail unto thee oh Sun in this thy rising.

    By the time I had finished the Sun was completely above the horizon.

    Yesterday at sunset I meditated on the visualization of a red setting Sun, as described in the Contemplation Sutra. This might well have been an inspiration for the dream.

    non-lucid , memorable

    Sleep Paralysis for First Time, and LD

    by BrandonTyberius on 08-09-2010 at 04:56 PM
    This morning I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. That led into what is either a lucid dream or an out of body experience, depending on how one wants to look at it. It started as a normal dream; I was at a friends house and we were playing with our pets. I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes, to rest I guess, not sure. Then I heard this loud mumbling sound in my ear. I thought it was just my friend messing with me, he jokes around like that. I swatted above my head to swat him away but there was nothing there. The noise stopped when I swatted and I think that is when I realized I was dreaming. I just lay there with my eyes closed and before long it happened again, it felt like someone's face was right above my ear making a mummbling sound. When I tried to swat I couldnt move my arm. I recognized this as sleep paralysis and knew what was happening. When a person experiences sleep paralysis they cant move and it is common for them to have hallucinations like mummbling or incoherent talk.

    With difficulty I did manage to raise my hand and swat. Again there was nothing and the noise stopped. Again I just lay there and before long that feeling was back but this time there was a panting in my ear like a dog panting. Not only could I hear it, I could also feel the dog's breath on the side of my face. For a second I thought it might actually be my dog but then I decided that was very unlikely because this panting is another common hallucination. I tried to open my eyes but I could only open them up a crack and couldnt see much. When I tried to sit up I felt something pressing down on my back, it felt like the front legs of a large dog. As I continued straining to rise there was a strange and uncomfortable sensation in my back. I think Ive felt that sensation before, maybe when I was under the influence of salvia. With considerable effort I finally managed to sit up, and when I did I saw myself still laying there in my house where I sleep. My body had its eyes open and was looking in my direction but I couldnt tell if it was really looking at me.

    With a little more effort I was completely separated from my body. I was elated to be LDing, or something similar, again. I tried flying right there in my house. With a couple of hops I was up and floating next to the ceiling. I flew through straight through a closed window with no problem and I was out and up. I barely cleared the top of a sweetgum tree by my house as I headed south-west. As I cleared the top of the tree I called out "Guru Rinpoche are you here?" because I decided last week that the next time I had a lucid dream I would try to locate this deity. This is the second LD in a row where I have had the presence of mind to pursue a spiritual goal. I saw my dad's tractor and I saw neighbors' houses and other familiar things. It was lovely! There were dark, stormy looking clouds to the west and for a second I felt concerned about lightning but then decided nothing could harm me. After flying just a short distance I started to lose altitude. Through a large force of will I shot up higher into the sky, up into dark clouds where I could see nothing but very dark gray. I wanted to keep the ground in view so I dove down out of the cloud. Once below the clouds I again began to crash and this time came all the way down to the ground in a forced landing. I was in the field west of my house but not as far from the house as I had actually flown. I tried to fly again and this caused me to wake up. When I woke it was 9:30am, about the time I usually get up. In the future when I am forced out of the sky like that Im not going to try flying again, maybe that will make the dream last longer.

    This sounds like an out of body experience, however there are things that might be taken as evidence to the contrary. Last week I got a hair cut, but this morning when I saw my physical body in the dream it still had long hair. In the dream there were dark storm clouds in the west, but when I woke up and looked outside the sky was clear in all directions. In the dream I saw my dad's tractor in a place it probably wasnt, however its possible I confused this for another tractor that might have actually been in use at that location at the time of the dream because when I woke up there was a man cutting our field. In the dream the sweetgum tree had some red and orange leaves like it does in early autumn, however right now the tree is all green.

    The thing pressing me down is an interesting topic itself. People have reported such phenomena for centuries. In the past they usually thought it was a demon or witch. Was it trying to keep me in my body? The noises and panting might have been attempts to wake me? Maybe its just a phenomenon with out purpose?

    lucid , memorable