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    About Bumpeh

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    About Bumpeh
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    I'm a teen with a very interesting and troubled past. I have a long road ahead, but I'm planning to go to the top. I enjoy computer games and video games, writing and reading, listening to music(Metal, rock, and tons of other genres), computers, programming and dreaming(obviously). I'm currently studying to become fluent in Russian and Spanish, I'd like to go to Moscow some day.
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    Writing, Reading, Comics, Computer Games, Dreaming, Sleeping, Anime, Martial Arts
    High School Student
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    Recent Entries

    The afternoon sun of sorrow

    by Bumpeh on 10-29-2011 at 08:14 PM
    I'm only posting a slight fragment of a dream cause certain things don't connect well, and the dream after this is fuzzy. So me, my father, my sister and mother are all on a road trip. We have my cat in the car, she jumps out the window and stands on the sideview mirror, for some reason we don't care, we just sit there and watch. All of the sudden my dad swerves the RV and avoids a crash, we all tumble around. I get up after we straighten up and look at him and ask him. "What happened to the cat." He responds with "She must of fallen off and been killed." I realize we can't stop cause we're on the freeway. I start to scream and weep in frustration. And then I wake up and smile when I see that my cat is ok.

    Attempted kidnapping

    by Bumpeh on 10-28-2011 at 11:15 PM
    So I had a dream I was in my back yard doing some work, all of the sudden one of our neighbors that lives behind us, lassos me with a rope and starts to pull me toward him. I'm able to yell to my family, in which I see in the window, I'm actually able to tap the window to try to get there attention, it takes about 3 taps before they finally notice. Instead of coming to my aid my dad tells me to use my strength against him. I'm like "WHAT?!" so all of the sudden I have super human strength and I run like heck, he releases the rope and I'm able to get inside my house safely. Afterward my dad refuses to call 911 and says some mumbo jumbo about releasing hounds(we don't even have any dogs). Afterward I go to my moms bedroom and look out the window and I still see the man their, just standing their looking at the other window, staring at it. Afterward I look back and see my cat sleeping next to a turtle on the bed, I turn around again and see her sleeping somewhere else, I walk down the hall and shes sleeping in the hall, then all of the sudden shes sleeping in 5 places at once. Then I wake up.
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Argh, it's pirates!

    by Bumpeh on 10-26-2011 at 07:52 PM
    So last night I had another unique dream. It started out with me and one of my good friends on a beach, we hop in a row boat and start rowing off into the horizon. The sky gets cloudy and it starts to rain, as it rains I say, "I always wanted to do stuff like this with my friends and now I am" I'm not entirely sure if those were my exact words. So we eventually reach an arch of natural rock and head up to an enclosed beach like area with this strange wooden structure extending out to the water. Theres a group of people, one of them happens to be another good friend of mine. All the people are trying to make some crystals out of components from the sea. I start to help some people and all of the sudden an octopus pulls one of my friends overboard and into the water, he's able to swim up to the surface and I grab his hand and help him out. Afterward, we see a pirate ship sail by and for some reason we all become frightened. We all start heading to the beach quietly and carefully, making sure we left behind no signs of our being there. I can't remember anything after that.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Becoming one of them...

    by Bumpeh on 10-25-2011 at 07:36 PM
    I'm venturing through the dark of night, with my father at my side, we're scanning the streets for specimens, evil creatures that are trying to kill the human race. I'm carrying a 9mil boretta and my dad is carrying an AK-47. We run into a few and shoot them all, me and my father both run out of ammo and there are still more coming at us, we reach an area where the road goes up slightly revealing a small pocket, and a bunch of swords and weapons were stashed in the pocket. I grabbed a katana and began slicing them into pieces, all of the sudden we reach a hedge area where it is partially day and night, we see specimens slowly creeping up towards us, we take them out one at a time, then one comes up that I try to strike and nothing happens. I strike again but the blade does nothing, all of the sudden the specimen turns into a more human creature and begins to run from me, I start to chase it and become a specimen.
    non-lucid , dream fragment