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    Racism, Video Game

    by cbernard on 08-24-2011 at 06:14 PM
    1. I was lying on an interstate overpass, sideways, so that if cars were coming they would run over my head and legs. However, traffic was stopped still, so I didn't get run over. I was looking backwards, so that all the cars were facing me. Directly in front of me stood a young black man. He was just minding his own business, then suddenly he looked over me and yelled to somebody, "No, YOU get in the WHITE cab!"

    I looked behind me to see who he was talking to. A white man was behind me, riding in a stagecoach. He was yelling at the black man, "No, YOU get in the BLACK cab!" and pointing to the vehicle one lane to the side. I looked to see the cab he was talking about and was shocked to see a cart heaped high with burning corpses.

    "No, YOU get in the WHITE cab!"

    "I AM in the white cab! YOU get in the BLACK cab!"

    Finally I got up and glared at the white guy. He immediately calmed down and started fussing with his clothes. The black man also calmed down immediately, looking at the sky.

    2. I was watching my friend Jacob play a video game. It was a racing game where people were shooting bombs at you from the sidelines, and that made it really hard. My friend was doing his best but he couldn't complete the course because he kept dying. I asked if I could have a try. He said something scornful, but let me try it. When the race started, I couldn't figure out how to go and kept crashing into walls. Then, we realized that the bomb people don't expect you to do so bad, so they shoot bombs at where you should be rather than where you are. Since I was a little behind, the bombs were already on the course by the time I got to them, so it was much easier to dodge them. I still came in last, but my friend thought that it was a good strategy to wait a bit.

    Wolf Mansion, Phone Call, Parable, Braille Book

    by cbernard on 08-12-2011 at 06:33 AM
    1. I was running through the forest with my sister. A pack of wolves was chasing us. We came to a clearing with a mansion, which was our home. We ran inside (there was a wall that wasn't there so you could just run in) and I hid behind a chair. A wolf came to the chair on the other side and started circling round it, so I circled too, trying to stay on the opposite side from him. He was going kind of slow, so I didn't think he saw me. After we had gone all the way around, he changed direction so that we ran into each other. To escape, I launched myself through the air and flew out of the house and into a thick part of the forest. I was all tangled up and couldn't move, but I heard wolves plowing towards me. I hid my face in a tangle of vines, until I heard a wolf approach and felt a golden light behind me. I raised my head and turned around, and saw a wolf staring at me, emanating a golden light. The golden light grew until it was all I could see. The mood of this dream was mysterious.

    2. In real life, I have been waiting for a phone call from my friend. Well, he called me in my dream and we talked about everything I had wanted to talk about, so I felt great. When I woke up and realized that he hadn't called me after all, I was so mad. >

    3. I was talking to this blonde woman as we rode in a canoe together through a swamp. We had just passed a little ring of cattail-y things with an opening that you could sail into, and so she was telling me about how she went to a sort of spiritual camp in that ring one time. She was very scornful of the camp, saying that she had 'fallen for all that stuff at the time, but of course now I realize it's ridiculous' and that sort of thing. As an example of how crazy the camp was, she told me something they had told her. She said that they had said that God could not be powerful as long as he was gold (as in, the chemical element). She was laughing as if it was completely stupid, so I didn't say anything, but I wanted to hear the story in more detail because I thought it had a lot of potential. After I woke up, I lay in bed for a while trying to coax it into a good story, but I haven't been able to, so far.

    4. I was in a mansion with my sister, like the first dream, but it was different and more complete. We were doing a scavenger hunt that our mom had made, to keep us occupied. We found this old book on a pedestal and thought it was a clue. We opened it up and found that the first couple of pages were in braille. We took it to dad, who was riding in a canoe in a canal (like in dream 3). We showed him the book and he told us what it said to do.

    5. I was in a canal with my dad. we were swimming, but there were these launchers that would make you go really fast.

    Evil Dentists

    by cbernard on 07-27-2011 at 04:57 PM
    (This one is kind of gruesome)

    I was at the dentist, and they said they were going to perform an operation on my mouth. I was then inside my mouth, looking from the back towards the front. They pried open my mouth and stuck various tools in, as if to see if they would work, then pulled them back out. Then they stuck in one of those things that I don't know what it is, but it's kind of like scissors, only it smacks two flat chunks of metal together when you pull the handles together, instead of blades. They stuck that in my mouth and clamped it on to various teeth, and I was becoming more and more afraid about what they were going to do. Finally, they put it behind my bottom lip, so that the back bottom corners of the tool were touching my lip, and the back of my lip was protruding between the corners. They slammed the tool shut really quickly, squashing off part of my lip. Blood started gushing from my lip like a pressurized jet. I did not feel pain, more like a feeling of, "they WOULD do that, wouldn't they?"

    They immediately took everything out of my mouth. I waited for them to put a bandage or something on my lip, but they didn't, they just left me to die with my own blood pouring down my throat.

    They WOULD do that, wouldn't they? >=(
    non-lucid , nightmare

    Dani's Birthday

    by cbernard on 07-21-2011 at 08:17 PM
    I dreamed that Dani was having her birthday party at my house. We were scurrying around setting up during the afternoon, before she arrived. Mom saw a piece of paper taped to a wall that said

    Denielle (sic)
    (someone else's name)

    And she said, "I don't like it when people shorten their names. I mean, if Daniel shortened his name, it would be Danny!" I did not appreciate her comments but didn't say anything - I kind of wanted to tell her to be respectful to Dani on her birthday, but decided just to let it slide.

    I wanted to make some tea, so I put some water in the microwave, then went to my room to choose a tea bag. The tea bags were on my piano, just like they are in real life, but they were organized differently, kind of scattered, and some were on the floor. I also thought that there were some boxes I didn't remember having, but I was in a hurry, so I didn't think about it. I rationalized it by thinking that mom had been messing around with my tea. I picked a bag and left. When I got back to the kitchen, the water wasn't done boiling, so I wandered off.

    I found myself near the front door (I think some time elapsed without me remembering) and suddenly I remembered that I had forgotten about the tea water. I sort of leapt and ran my way through the library (the floor was grass) to get back to the kitchen, but I thought that maybe the water hadn't cooled down too much.

    The next thing I remember is sitting down on the floor of the library with Dani and my sister. Dani and I were sitting next to each other, and my sister was left and forwards of me, like this:


    Between Dani and I there was an atmosphere of having been through a lot, with a lot of sadness but happiness at knowing each other.

    Dani told my sister, "Did you know that Caleb proposed to me on date night?"

    Apparently proposing (I think she meant asking out) on 'date night' was a very creative/adventurous thing to do. When she said this, I felt a complex emotion, with pride and sorrow and happiness, and I just kind of looked at the ground in sadness, but Dani was smiling a sad smile. My sister didn't really know what was going on, she was like a zombie or something.

    Then we all got up because guests were starting to arrive. Dani went off to greet people, and I went to drink my tea and generally hide from everyone. There were tons of people, at least 150. Everyone was packed really tight. I caught glimpses of Dani walking around.

    I stayed until midnight, then I had to go drive my little brother somewhere. We were driving until he said, stop here. I got out and we switched places so he could drive. There were colored plastic round things scattered across the road. It was dark and in a haunted-forest type of environment, but I wasn't scared. He said, I need practice at Rock Band, so go set up the cones. Apparently the little cones were Rock Band icons, and he wanted to drive over them to practice songs. He told me the song he wanted, and I was supposed to walk down the road and arrange the cones for a particular song. I thought, oh no, this is going to take forever. I started arranging the cones. Next thing I knew, I was waking up (in my dream still). I was disoriented, but my brother was there, saying, good job, I got enough practice in. Let's go home now. I was distressed because I had left the party early just so my brother could practice his video game skills.

    When we got home, the party was over and everyone was gone. Mom was looking really tired. I asked her how long the party lasted. She said, until 6. I was confused because I thought she meant 6 PM, so I started to say "but--but-" but then I realized she meant 6 in the morning, which really surprised me, because I didn't know that I had been away for 6 hours. I was really upset that I hadn't been able to say goodbye to Dani, but Mom said that Dani had been so tired that she decided to spend the night at our house, so I thought, okay, I will see her when she wakes up. I started to help Mom clean up.

    When I walked into the kitchen, there was one of those electronic picture frames that shows a slideshow. It was full of pictures from the party. I was very grateful that Mom had taken pictures. Watching the slideshow, everyone's hair was funny, so I realized that they had played some kind of crazy hair game where whoever had the craziest hairdo won. I wanted to see Dani in the slideshow but she wasn't in it. My brother was in there twice, which made me mad because he had been driving with me, keeping me away from the party, and he had actually been at the party, at the same time. I didn't understand how he did it, so I got mad. In one picture, he had a really big long-haired black wig, and the other picture was a video clip of him eating all the party food in fast-motion. There was also a picture of my sister with a really weird hairdo.

    I went around the picture frame, which was sitting on the island in the kitchen, and started throwing away plates.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Message board bar

    by cbernard on 07-16-2011 at 03:40 PM
    I was in a fancy log-cabin hotel with my family, and I was on a messageboard. I was looking through the navbar and saw a link to a bar. So I clicked on it and suddenly I was walking downstairs to where they had barricaded a room with tables just inside the door. I went up to the tables and someone came up to help me. I ordered a beer and a coke, and they pulled out a bud light and an RC cola, and said that they were $1.44 each. That reminded me that I didn't have any money with me, so I said, hang on, let me go get some money and come back. So I went back to my room, and my cousins were there. So I said to the older one, hey, wanna go to the bar? And he said 'they have a bar here?' and I said yes, so I grabbed my wallet and we went back down. By then, the bar had opened (it had been around 7 or 8 in the morning the first time, so they hadn't opened yet... but now they had) and the barricade was gone, with a bunch of people inside. I was wondering if they were still holding my drinks for me, so I started looking around, but I couldn't see where they were. Then my cousin pointed me to this place off to the side so I went over there. There were a bunch of people lined up in front of cash registers paying. I got in the left-most line because it was the shortest one. There were only two people in front of me, but one of them left right when I came up, so I only had to wait for one person. When it came up to my turn, I pulled out my credit card and swiped it through the machine, then this bald guy behind the counter motioned me towards him so I went over, and he said, don't worry, we're still holding your cans. So then he leaves to the right, and a guy with short hair and a mustache comes in from the left and pulls a can of RC cola and a can of Shiner beer off the wall. When everyone saw the Shiner beer, they just kind of froze, and all attention was on me for a second, because apparently I had gotten a really good deal. I turn to leave (don't know where my cousin is anymore) but this girl with black hair comes and clings on to me, congratulating me on getting such a good deal. I play along for a second, saying, "I know! I'm so lucky!" but then I get mad, and say "You don't know HOW ANNOYING that is. Seriously, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW." and then she slunk off.

    Updated 07-16-2011 at 03:45 PM by cbernard
