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    1. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Cegtzh On thread : Cegtzh's Workbook [Intro Class]
      Thank you CanisLucidus for your response!, I had a bussy week and couldn't put much effort on my DJ and my concious attempts to LD, but I finally had some time to come back to the forum and hopefully...
      Liked On: 08-01-2015, 04:35 AM
    2. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Cegtzh On thread : Cegtzh's Workbook [Intro Class]
      Hello, I'm Cegtzh (or Eduardo, as you wish), and this is the fist time that I really commit myself to lucid dreaming, though is something that I wanted to do since long ago (as I narrate in my...
      Liked On: 07-26-2015, 11:14 PM
    3. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Cegtzh On thread : New to DV, and hopefully to LD!
      I read about a technic that works with "rewards", in which you reward yourself every morning with a candy or something special for you when you have a lucid dream, that could be extra motivation!...
      Liked On: 07-24-2015, 12:07 AM
    4. midnightfire
      midnightfire liked post by Cegtzh On thread : New to DV, and hopefully to LD!
      Hello midnightfire, thank you for responding :). I understand your feeling, somehow feel similar about AP, but what happens to me is a mix between fear an excitement, and I think that keeps me...
      Liked On: 07-21-2015, 04:52 AM
    View Cegtzh's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    First LD 21.07.2015

    by Cegtzh on 07-21-2015 at 09:34 PM
    Today I had my first LD, it was short and a little bit blurry (I did't knew about stabilization till today) and I wasn't fully lucid, maybe around 60% (still a big step!), but I remember everything that happened. It took place during the morning when my alarm woke me up and in the usual "5 more minutes" routine I snoozed it, got to sleep again and had a false awakening:

    I was in my bed when I listen outside my bedroom the voice of the person who does the cleaning in my house, it was weird because she only works 3 day per week and it wasn't one of those days, she knock at my door asking if I had clothes for laundry, something she used to do and I hated because she wake me up, so I was intended to reply but I was unable to speak, I tried to find my phone in my bed and couldn't find it and suddenly, the idea that I could be dreaming came to my mind, so I did a reality test (with my nose) and I was dreaming.

    As the night before I was thinking about visiting an especific place in a dream, my first reaction was to somehow teleport or change the place to get there, as I didn't knew how I decided to get there by flying but when I was in the street and did it, I realized that only my house and a few more of my neighbors houses where there, and the rest was like an infinite layer of desert-like asphalt. I decided to explore the place and landed into the backyard of one of the houses, which was like a comunal garden between some other small buildings, and the first thing I noticed was the grass, so green compared to the asphalt that I had seen before, then I realized there was also a boy and a girl, staring at me in a not really nice way (I didn't care about that then, though).

    In that moment I remembered that it wasn't a great idea to tell the characters that you where dreaming because you could overexcite and wake up, and as I wanted to get the more from my first LD I thought it could be interesting to interact with a mirror so I asked the girl where I could find one. She was medium height, had pale pinky skin, dark long hair with a bang and was dressed like a little girl, though she was more like a teen. She show me the building that was next to us, at our right, took a key out of her dress and opened the gate. Inside, there was only a big mirror, like one of those in the public restrooms, I attempted to get in but I had a bad feeling, still I did but when I was getting near the mirror the image seamed dark and blurry (I saw this particular scene in third person, and somewhere near this moment I start loosing lucidity). I looked back and the girl was closing the gate and laughing, I went back and she reopened it, I brought her down and took the key, but suddenly a beefy, tall, and bald guy entered the place and attacked me, I fight back but I could't free myself, but we were near a window and with the upper part of my body I tried to open it, while the guy started yelling "nooooo".

    I finally managed to open the window and reach the street, but the other side of the road was blocked by a fence covered by a climber, and as the big guy was very near and I saw no scape, smashed myself into the fence trying to find a way out, but he finally grabbed me, we struggle and got to the road, I was dragging on the floor trying to get read of him, and as I could't use my hands I decided to bite his wrist, he started bleeding but didn't loose me...

    Then my alarm start ringing again and I wake up
    lucid , false awakening