• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Choi and Pandabear

    54 Visitor Messages

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    1. Hi, I need a little help here.
      Okay, I think I had a semi-lucid dream last night. I just saw a dead man lay down, and when I saw at him again, he was alive and fine. Suddently, I heard a voice which said: "This is just a dream. It's a lucid dream. You can control it all!" and I thought "Whoa, is this a dream?" and I woke up.

      Was it a semi-lucid or a lucid?
    2. Then good luck tomorrow. Thank you.

      Nighty night!
    3. I lucid dream in the morning But thanks. And good luck to you too!
    4. Haha, yeah, that would be cool!

      When you're going to sleep tonight, then good luck with the lucids.
    5. Hehe indeed Thanks! Hopefully I will "meet" him some day,
    6. It doesn't have to be a bad thing, Morpheus is cool.
    7. Haha that's my purpose, to inspire =)

      My god I can't make a single post without sounding like a Morpheus wanna be :/ x)
    8. Hey, thanks! I love the univers too. ^_^
      Maybe there's too many stars, but that's ok!

      I maybe got a little bit inspiration from you, the whole star-thing.
      You're my inspiration, boy. =)
    9. Love your profile =) and I love the universe xD
    10. Hey =) Read my new post in "The Dream Project" thread and answer question 4 please
    Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 54
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