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    1. Sensei
      Sensei liked blog post by claralou On : Moved to a school in India, got the lead in a play 30/08/13
      Dream 1 I was starting either Alderly Edge or Altrincham school for Girls except it looked nothing like it actually does, and we had to get the tube/train there but I didn't know where I was...
      Liked On: 09-03-2013, 10:30 PM
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    Audition Nightmare

    by claralou on 02-11-2015 at 12:06 PM
    So it wasn't a nightmare in the literal sense.

    I was in College, and we were auditioning for the musical but I dont know what it was. There were loads of us and we had to line up at the front of the stage (Which was the stage in high school) and Freya my dance teacher was doing the auditioning but there were loads of people I knew in the audience from the panto I just did as well as some of my college teachers like Sarah. We were the firstgroup to go but I realised I hadn't brought a costume or anything decent to wear as I was wearing this tight pink dress that barely covered my knickers and I was going to sing I Caint Say No from Oklahoma as I always do but I knew I couldnt in this dress so I was stressing out and delaying going first as I was trying to work out a solution or at least find some black shorts. We werent allowed to leave the wings but then one of the Dance Captains from Disney (the old blonde one) sneakily gave me her jacket and pointed in the pocket and winked at me. So I grabbed it and ran into the toilet to what I had hoped would be shorts but they were actually really long grey socks made out of tights material. I knew that I couldnt go on stage wearing this pink dress as it was just so inappropriate but I couldn't avoid it forever and people going before me were incredible, Olivia Oakes was there singing something from a chorus line and she and about 10 other people were wearing red sleeveless jackets tap shoes and a cane as she had got them all to back up her , she was a really good singer actually. Other girls were wearing leotards and tights and other professional dance/performance wear.
    I saw in the toilets another group of costumes so was debating whether or not to steal one, I also had a blue dress thing so was thinking about wearing that with the grey tights but then that wouldnt have fitted with my song so I would have needed to change the song, but the only songs that would go with that would be passive ones like I Could Have Danced all Night which other people werent doing if that makes sense, it wouldnt have been as impressive.

    I think this just highlights my indecisiveness when it comes to what to wear to auditions!
    non-lucid , memorable

    26th november

    by claralou on 11-29-2014 at 06:45 PM
    Was at university, sharing dormitory rooms but I didn't get on with anyone and kept arguing with people within the first 10 minutes, char s was in the bed next to me which was good, there were 6-7 beds but loads more girls who were going to go in the other room and this blonde girl who I really didn't like was sat on my bed talking to libby who had just come in. Got into an argument with the girl. Was like my bedroom at home but a lot bigger. I was going to suggest moving mine and chars bed apart more so lib and that girl could sleep on the floor between them. They didnt, i had a tv in the corner which was good. Was getting shouted at for having food. There was a common room which I never actually went to and the woman in charge said we could pick 3 (?) people who we wanted to share aroom with but no one told me when that was so I didn't get a say but I ended up with just libby who was in my bedroom at home on the other side by my desk. Wanted her to read a book.
    Trying to get through a door and Sparked was sat on the floor opposite where my bag was hung up by the front door when I came in and said "Clares the type of person who wouldn't get in to drama school" and I was really pissed off, tried to tell libby who was with the other girls and they were ignoring me and I was literally shouting at them. Texted Daff because I knew he was at rose Bruford too so I asked if he was free as I was really upset. He didn't reply.
    My birthday, dad and his dad, went to a shop but nothing there I wanted so we went to the same shop in Winsford but the bags were £400 despite others being 3. Wasn't allowed in the wig department because you had to be 28 and was lifted up and pushed away from entering by a guy who looked like John. Wanted to build a swimming pool in the garden and was hallucinating as to how big the pond was (was a different garden to mine) Mrs hauge was there.

    Missed high school form

    by claralou on 06-20-2014 at 12:20 PM
    It was the end of college like it is now but I was in my form that I was in in high school, In our form room with miss Bentley and in uniform. When speaking to Libby I found out they had been there once a week for the whole year whereas it was my first time. I found out they had done my timetable wrong and where I had a free Friday first I should have had tutorial with them. I was gutted of course because I loved my form. Molly Crawford came round with a piece of paper where we had to write 1 thing we liked 1 thing we wanted to improve, I put performance family for what I liked and I didn't get round to the other bit. Miss Bentley was asking me for an essay which I hadn't done but it was for EPQ which I dropped then she was asking me for other forms and stuff none of which I had. There was another boy Ben who's timetable had missed it off as well so I was trying to talk to him but everyone was talking over each other. Me char and lib were saying how weird it was that we were in uniform and we asked miss Bentley whether to call her miss Bentley or Sara.

    My Grandad died

    by claralou on 04-20-2014 at 09:12 PM
    All 4 of my grandparents are alive and fit and well.
    I see my mums parents a lot more as my dad's are always on holiday and I get the feeling his mum doesnt like me very much. His dad however is one of the loveliest people you could ever meet, a true gentleman who always opens doors for me, pulls my chair out at tables, puts my coat on for me etc. My mums dad is lovely as well, I get on so well with him we always laugh and joke together.

    Anyway I dreamt last night that my dad's dad had died. Yet my mums dad had also died as well but not both of them, its really weird to explain, probably because I call both of them "Grandad" and of course I was absolutely devastated and at the time I knew it was just one of them but somehow it was both. It was horrible as i'm so close to both of them in real life.
    I then went out somewhere to do a job, or it might have been college i can't remember, but I wanted to be let off doing the work by saying he had died but didnt want to actually say it
    I can't stop thinking about them dying now.
    Luckily (I guess) my mums parent's came over today for Easter so I got to see my Grandad and gave him a massive hug
    I love them all so dearly
    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable

    Dreaming I have a sister

    by claralou on 03-23-2014 at 02:49 PM
    So I am an only child, i'm 17 and recently i've been thinking about how if my parents ever passed away suddenly I would have no-one, My dad has no siblings either, my mum has a brother but him his wife and 2 kids live in australia so I rarely see them.

    Anyway a few nights ago I dreamt that I was sat on the sofa in my lounge (except the sofa was bigger) and I had a sister who was sat to the right of me, dad the other side of her and mum next to me and we were all cuddled together reading a story. I don't know who she was now.

    Last night I dreamt I was about 6 or 7 and again I had a sister who was about the same age, and our parents had adopted this other girl called Kazeema, we all had separate bedrooms but we were planning on 2 people sharing one or something so we were running round finding a tape measure and measuring the rooms to see who's was the biggest so that the 2 people sharing could have that one.
    non-lucid , memorable