• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between CNGB and balinup13

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. Maybe you should try to create your own RCs or something.

      For example, whenever I expect something in a dream, something happens, and when I don't expect something, nothing happens. I've recently started saying, "When I turn, my father is going to have purple hair"--and of course I have to totally expect him to have purple hair. If he does, then I'm dreaming--if he doesn't, then I'm not.

      I hope that what I said helps you. Now excuse me for a sec while I check and see if there's a Mario pipe emerging from the top of my bed.
    2. Nah no luck yet i always freaking dream about lucid dreaming!!
    3. My lucid dreaming has been doing all right. I had one a week or so ago, and that was triggered by there being six full moons in my dream. It was super short. Last night I had a false awakening. Oh well haha Have you had any luck?
    4. Heya CNGB, thanks so much for the support! I am super excited to have one and have been trying for a long time. I know i have to have one of them soon! How has your lucid dreaming been going?!
    5. Hey there. I'm just dropping by to say hey, and offer my wishes that you will have a lucid dream fairly soon. If you want to message me or anything, then feel free to do so (though I may be slow in getting back to you--I have a God-awful Internet connection).
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5