• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between CNGB and SquillTwin

    22 Visitor Messages

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    1. Sorry for not posting in my DJ for a while. I had a busy morning. But don't fret! They are now up, and they are some pretty cool dreams (IMO). yippee!
    2. Awww! :'( Well, you're not the only one who didn't have a LD last night. We can complain about it together!

      Glad to hear that you're keeping positive. Positivity is key to lucidity! You probably knew that but I sure said it anyway haha Well I'm gonna go check out your DJ and see what you dreamed last night. ^^
    3. I really don't know why my messages post twice...
    4. No lucid last night...
      But that's ok! I'll keep trying! !
    5. No lucid last night...
      But that's ok! I'll keep trying! !
    6. I'm your tour guide? I'm down with that!

      Yes, you were very close last night. I'm hoping that when I come back on tomorrow you'll already have a dream journal entry talking about your very first lucid! Just try not to get too excited before you sleep tonight so as not to jinx yourself and I think that you've got a good chance of lucidity.

      Oh, and I'm sending you a friend request but you don't feel obligated to accept it haha XD
    7. (Oh and if you go to my Visitor Messages and see that I deleted a message from you, it was just a repeat of the original one. Computer hiccup XD)
    8. Sorry that you didn't have any LDs, even if it was your first night, it still sucks. I see that you've got a DJ on here now, so I'm going to go stalk you from it.

      I love your ideas. I'm also wanting to go through a mirror portal (or a dream door--actually, I want to try both of them). Next time I get a lucid dream I want to ask my subconscious what my dream job is. I also want to be Kira/L in a few dreams (Death Note reference), be a non-glittery vampire, and explore Pompeii before it was destroyed. Of course there are other things I'd like to do but I'm not sure if there's a character limit to these visitor messages XD
    9. Haha! I've got a ton. Of course, there's FLIGHT, and all the cliche stuff, but I also have things like "shrink down to the atomic level," "travel through a mirror portal," "Direct the construction of my own private palace," etc. There's also some Ideas about asking my subconscious. Stuff like "What makes me happy?" "What am I most afraid of?" "Make me feel pure ecstasy!" and "Take me on a crazy adventure!" I can't wait! I had no lucid dreams last night (duh, it was my first night!) But I'll be patient!

      How about you? What are your lucid dream plans?
    10. Ugh. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes it seems like being calm and patient is the hardest part!

      What are some of the ideas that you've developed so far? =D
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
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