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    missionaries daughter/bluebell cottage/lost in africa

    by Collinoodle on 10-08-2013 at 10:08 PM
    A weird dream dream, it felt so much like a movie and I couldn't wake from it! And when i did and fell back asleep i started dreaming from where i left off straight away, woke up exhausted as it literally felt like i hadnt rested.

    I was a little blonde girl and It kept going from first person to third person so sometimes I could see the little girl I was. I had a brother he was a year older with dark hair. I think the girl was 7 and he was about 8 or 9. We moved to Africa with missionaries, we enjoy ended up working in this village, it wasn't little as the buildings were made of concrete, it was like a little town, but in the middle of the scrub. A war started , we lost our parents in the cuffufel, we found our way into a boarding school /orphanage which was set up by the missionary people, but they had gone and left it in charge of this big tall African man. We were hit and whipped and locked in cupboards. One night the brother back chatted the man I giggled with my new friend. And we were thrown into the cupboard. The walls were made if wood, which was off the end of the building which was concrete so it was weird, kind of a bit like an old shithouse lmao. There was a tiny window and we were looking out of it and joking about. A'll of a sudden the African girl looked panicked and said 'you need to escape and find help, you can't be here anymore, it's wrong '. The big tall African man burst in a threw our bags at us and shouted in his native tongue, and then in English telling us to leave. 'but I haven't got any pictures of the African animals yet, we haven't visited the places ma told us about, what about souvenirs for grandma ' I said. The big tall man through a broken tile at us 'here's your souvenir, enjoy' laughed and left. I scrambbled around looking for pretty buts of the broken tile, and found a broken shell the inside was beautiful, but a big spider was using it as shelter so I left it, I found a broken tile with a blue cross on, it felt special, so I put it in my pocket. We entered the dinning hall where everyone was having lunch, we went and stood outside wondering what to do now. I looked into my camera and zoomed in onto the fenced off park, and saw a group if Lions and hyenas but they had weird cheetah spots, weird. I took photos, they normally do.t stand so close without fighting, they were all stood still, looking over at the tall buildings of the town, they then scampered. I pulled my camera down and saw in the distance army trucks, I took it away from my face to see a big fat white man running towards me demanding I don't take photos. I explained I was taking pictures of the strange group of lions and hyenas looking like cheetahs working together. He looked panicked and shouted a word in foreign tongue. All the men and children stopped and looked panicked. All of a sudden the buildings started exploding and a bomb hit the school at the back, it was all ccrumbling, so me and my brother ran out the hole and ran into the trees nearby. it felt like we walked for ages, we were hungry and thirsty and the high sun was burning my back. We saw a sstream we ran to it, the brother tasted it, it was salty, we ran through the trees expecting the sea, we found a salt plain (white field of salt as far as we could see) we decided to walk over it, and we could still hear explosions behind us. We walked for miles, and miles and finally the ground started to become Sandy dirt. But then we had elephants charge at us down this pathway where we found a white building with blue doors called bluebell cottage. It had gates and fences around it, maybe they could give us water. We explored around the fence and saw a beautiful blue stream, it looked so fresh, it was coming from over a bank through shrubs, in a mini waterfall, we climbed the.bank. We could see George hall. We'd seen it in pictures! There was a huge river and posh town nearby. We turned back to the cottage and we could climb any further into the shrubs without being cut by thorns, we climbed the fence. We banged on the dusty Windows shouting help. An old women came out telling us to shush, as we'd wake the gentleman. She gave us a cup and showed us to her water fountain where we scooped up water and drank. The old man came out and looked.wide eyed and.asked why they had little rats in the yard. I turned round to look at him, when he took off his glasses and said 'Elisabeth', my dream moms name. We discovered they were our great aunty and uncle. And then I woke up.......
    lucid , memorable