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    Real world semi-lucid

    by cooldreams on 08-20-2011 at 08:29 AM
    I woke up this morning tired. I thought I had a DEILD but I cant recall what happened.. I was just tired. But I had to take my son to school. Usually by the time I drop him off I'm awake, but I sometimes squeeze a couple more hours in before its time to stay up. This morning I hit the bed and was almost out before my head hit the pillow. As I looked up at the ceiling I repeated "I will have a lucid dream" I felt myself drifting off and wake up and drift off again. I'm still looking at the ceiling but it doesn't feel like my eyes are open. I took a look out my window and there was a huge bunny in a blue dress walking across my yard. I said "I'm going to make her have a lucid dream, Wait. I'm dreaming" Just then my dream started to fade. I focused on the pile of rocks next to the bunny's feet. That view seemed to zoom in. After a while the dream returned. I ended up grabbing my keys and looked at the remote fob for the car. There were about 10 extra buttons on there. I pressed one and it caused my neighbor across the street house to slide open mechanically(Like is was supposed to split in half.) another button open my neighbor's garage. But I didn't want to push the panic button because I didn't want them to know I was doing this. (This logic made me realize I was no longer lucid but still had control.) I had a false awakening shortly after... In my bed looking at the ceiling.

    More than I expected.

    by cooldreams on 08-01-2011 at 05:37 AM
    non lucid

    Last night I had an argument with my girlfriend I had a Monster energy drink earlier in the night. after about 6 hours of sleep the argument carried over til this morning. I locked myself in a bedroom and went back to sleep, Tv was on. And I started to doze. I felt my self dozing and began to play with it. as I'd doze i would wake myself a little and go back to sleep then wake myself up a little more and go back to sleep. soon I found myself on a beach, clear sky and high rocky, cliffs/dunes to the left that were a few thousand feet high, relaxing ocean waves to the right, with a beautiful beach in front of me. Immediately I said " Wow, this is a dream" and became lucid. as far a vividness it was about a 7/10

    I walked over to the rocks and though I'd try flying, I took off and flew about 3/4 the way up to the mountain and landed I stopped and though "What do I want to do now?" Just then I remembered the Dream World Academy so I started looking for a door I took a step up the mountain and the mountain became and invisible wire frame spreading from where my foot landed. Then my vision turned to "TV snow" (I was waking up) but I could still hear everything from the dream world. After a few seconds I saw the wire frame of the mountain and then everything returned. I started looking around for a door. I spun around to give the door a chance to appear outside of my view, and there it was about 100 feet away down the mountain, tucked between two boulders. I flew down there and on the right of the door was a button. I pressed it and the door opened, It was an elevator. I looked at the Floor number on the screen in the elevator but It kept changing and was blurry but there was always 4 digits, like 8554 or 5408. After about a minute the door opened and I was there. It looked like an underground warehouse. There were hallways and break rooms and a large open space. I was shocked for some reason that the people here were human. I expected grey aliens for some reason. I stopped one of the workers and asked what do I do now? He looked at me like I was crazy, and walked away. (I started to wake again) and came back into one of the breakrooms. I asked another worker "Is this the dream academy" he said "What? you might be thinking of that thing down the street. What are you doing In here? Where is your badge?" I then walked out of the building and flew into the air a few hundred feet and I could see this large building, It was unique. all tan building with a huge main structure and two large wings that reached out in front of it like an upside-down U. I landed in front of it and realized a huge problem . The Academy was the same size from the air as it was on the ground. The entire building was about neck high. The front and left wing doors were locked I opened the right wing door and squeezed myself in and the entire wing collapsed around me. I crawled in a little further and I can see a creature in a lab coat. It wasn't quite human and not quite alien but somewhere in between. It was holding a clipboard taking some notes while walking toward a workstation. They were expecting me but it never looked at me, just jotting on the clipboard. -

    next thing I remember is flying down a old street it was a street like the one in the movie "The American". It was night time and I was flying But I don't remember what happened there.

    Next part:
    I awoke in a bed in a home in the middle of no where. Then I was in a car. I became lucid. I parked the van in the upstairs bedroom closet but I went too far and put a hole in the wall. I stopped and parked, got out and heard voices in the front yard. I looked out the window and noticed the landscape was flat and this house was the only house there. there was a modest yard infront and a street that went off into the horizon no neighbors, no nothing. but 4 guys entering the house all wearing leather jackets and shades. I jumped out the window a flew up over the house. I did't see any cars and puzzled how they got there.
    I remember fighting them, but not exactally how it went. I just know that I won and being that I had super strength and could fly, they didn't stand a chance.

    I think there was one more dream that happened but I didn't write what happened when I woke up so I forgot a lot of details.
    lucid , dream fragment

    7/13/11 - Obama's Court/ Motorcycle game.

    by cooldreams on 07-14-2011 at 09:55 AM
    Obama's Court:

    This dream starts off as me in court. I don't know why I'm there but I do know its for something unimportant. This court is HUGE! Its like a IMAX movie theater but replace the chairs with podiums and the screen with a judges bench. Prez Obama is hearing cases and this place is full. I feel I've already been here for hours and I'm not going to wait any longer. I have a simple question... not a whole case. I decide to approach the bench. I get about 15 feet away from my podium and a little old black lady stopped me. She wasn't a judge or bailiff, but maybe a clerk or something. She ask me "Sir, why do you have a bathroom scale with you?" I responded "The same reason anyone would have a scale... To weigh stuff." I turn around and head toward the judge. She yells "Sir, You can not leave this scale at the podium, you have to take it with you."
    I ignore her and continue to the judge. She then screams "Oh My GOD!!! He has a BOMB!!!!"

    I turn around and say "What? Its just a scale." And now she's causing a scene. Screaming "Oh my god, Hes trying to kill us." "Its a bomb in that scale" "Somebody call security!" "He's a terrorist"
    Now people are starting to take notice. Everyone's looking at us, even judge Obama. They all look concerned that I might be a terrorist, but no one really believed the scale was a bomb. She Then falls on the ground, kicking and screaming "Don't blow us up." I'm so done with this woman. I take the scale, rip it apart, show there's no bomb, and throw the pieces at her. I then realize Its 5:40 pm. I was supposed to pick my son up from school at 2:30. "S###!!!" I run as fast as I can, Jumping over people and podiums as I exit the door....

    Motorcycle game

    I am now at the train station. Its looks like something from Tron Legacy. There are many stories and stair cases in this train station.. But I never saw or heard a train. No walls, just blackness. The entire structure looks like solid concrete. It was really busy here. There was a game today. I'm not sure what the game was but the fans were acutally the players. Everyone wore their team jersey and hat. They carried motorcycles on their backs. The bikes were the size of a gym bag, but when they put them down, they were normal sized. I picked up a bike to get to my sons school faster but I accidentally grabbed a bicycle. I was no longer in a rush to get my son... Then I awoke.

    My first lucid.

    by cooldreams on 07-14-2011 at 09:21 AM


    Just before bed I read a story about a soldier that lost is hand by grabbing a grenade that went off. I looked a lot of other pictures of amputees ranging from missing all limbs to missing a finger. Then I watched some Tv then fell asleep on the couch. I wind up in my room sitting on the bed. I look and my hand and realize a finger is missing. Just as I'm starting to freak out about my missing finger I blurt out "Wait... This is a dream. I'm dreaming!!!!" I'm over come with excitement. It felt like finding $1000 on the ground. I got so excited that I started to wake up. Now I'm walking down a busy street. I thought "NO NO NO, Stay sleep, Focus Focus..." I look down at my feet and as I do, a woman less than 10 feet in front of me disappears. As im concetrating on staying asleep, Im watching my feet take each step. I notice that everything is disappering. The buildings, people, cars, everything is fading away as they sink into the ground. The sidewalk is changing before my eyes from the normal grey to brown cobblestone walkway and spreading across the entire world. As i'm still looking at my feet I think "I wonder if I can fly." I pick up my feet and begin to float. I'm going at the same height and pace as I was when walking but I'm FLOATING!!!. I can speed up and slow down but can't go any higher. Right then I thought "Find a hot woman Now!!"

    As I look up the sidewalk drops off into the ocean. There's about 50 to 60 feet of ocean between the sidewalk and the shore. On the beach, there are about 6 people. One is a HOTT!!! Brazilian woman, tall, Thin.. Thick in the right places, curly blonde hair. We talk very briefly and start making out... After a few seconds she pushes me away and says "My boyfriends over there." and walks away. I'm thinking "Ummm... NO! That's not how this works... This is my dream... F*** your boyfriend." As soon as we start making out again, I wake up, in my bed, Thinking "That was freaking Awesome...." Only to later REALLY wake up (on the couch).
    lucid , false awakening