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    View Daniel990's Dream Journal

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    Very unclear again.

    by Daniel990 on 02-23-2011 at 09:15 PM
    So, the most I can remember of this dream is me doing challenges sent to me by an unknown user in MSN. I only remember the computer, though, not much of the challenges. Though, I remember a flash of the freezer room from 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, and grass. In the end of the dream, I was in another room with my grandmother. In the computer was a popsicle dancing in an ice skating rink. That's all.

    So this is my dream journal, it seems

    by Daniel990 on 02-21-2011 at 12:54 AM
    Well, I never had a lucid dream, but I'd like to try.

    Last night, I had two dreams, I don't remember any of them clearly.

    The first one was about me trying to escape my beach house to do JUSTICE. I forgot what I was trying to do, though.

    The second one was about me in a car. I was like 6 years old in that dream, I was in the back seat with my female cousin watching DVDs. She then left for a reason I can't remember and then kept trying to close the door. IT WOULDN'T CLOSE. And then, while I was trying to close it, I saw shady figures in the bushes. They were humanoid, but were too thin and their eyes glowed yellow. Then, I saw on the other side a woman reporting to the police about grand theft auto. I immediately thought the figures were the thieves, then I got really scared, hoping the door would close. That's when I woke up.

    Done for now.

    Edit: I just realized that saying I was in a car might give you the impression that the car is moving. It was actually stopped in a parking lot. Also, I'll add more details just so the dream is clearer. The trees had orange leaves, like in fall (I think), I don't know what place the parking lot is from.

    Also, I saw someone do this, and it might be effective:
    Dream signs: I was 7 years younger, my cousin too, I don't know that car, crazy humanoid figures that steal cars (!)

    Updated 02-21-2011 at 01:18 AM by Daniel990 (Forgot to add stuff)
